FNU Rejection of Concerns About Fiscal Stimulus by Rachel Siegel Article Critique
Question Description
Article Critique:
Read the following selected article from the Washington Post
Website: https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/02/28/fed-biden-inflation-19-trillion-stimulus/
The article can also be downloaded as a PDF file on Blackboard.
Using your knowledge of fiscal policy and its effectiveness which we have discussed in class and you have studied in the textbook, critically analyze the selected article which discusses current United States fiscal policy.
Your critique should be 2-3 pages not including the cover page and reference page. No abstract is required. The reference page is be done in APA format. If you use any tables or other illustration they should be placed at the end of the paper.
Your essay should be typed, using 12-point font (Times Roman), double spaced, 1 margins. Proofread your work before turning it in and check your spelling.
Your critique should be organized as set out below and is detailed in the following website https://writingcenter.uagc.edu/writing-article-critique. A sample critique is also available on this website and also on Blackboard.
What is included in an article critique?
An article critique has four main parts:
1. Introduction
Include an introductory paragraph that includes the following:
The authors name(s) and the title of the article
The authors main point
A thesis statement that previews your analysis
2. Summary
After your introduction, discuss the following in your own words:
The main points of the article
The arguments presented in the article
The findings of the article
3. Critique
After summarizing the article, critique the article by doing the following:
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article that you noted while critically reading the article.
State your informed opinions about the clarity, relevancy, and accuracy of the article, using specific examples from the article to support your statements.
4. Conclusion
Finally, end your article critique with a conclusion that does the following:
Summarize the key points in the article, as well the key points from your own analysis.
Close with a comment about the significance of the research or a statement of future research needed in the field.
The paper must follow APA Publication Manual (7th Edition) guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. A guide for using the latest APA Publication Manual is located at https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citationapa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html
To obtain course credits and earn an average grade of C or higher, each student is required to submit THREE writing assignments by set deadline dates.
College level writing is defined as follows:
- Has a clearly defined central idea or thesis.
- Provides adequate support for that idea.
- Is organized clearly and logically.
- Shows awareness of the conventions of standard written English.
- Is formatted or presented in an appropriate way for the intended audience, purpose, and genre.
A rubric is provided which will be used to grade each essay. Students receiving less than a C for any of the three writing assignments will be assigned a failing grade for the course regardless or exam average. This means that even if a student has a 100/A score on each unit exam, but does not have at least a C on each essay, the student will fail the course (College Policy).
This assignment will be graded using following rubric
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