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Florida National University Community Nursing Tuberculosis Discussion

Question Description

ResearchPaper #2

Chooseany of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease discussedin your textbook (for example: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS – 2002-2003), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus(MERS-CoV)- 2015-2018), Avian influenza, H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu)Pandemic – 2009-2010, Novel Avian influenza A (H7N9) Virus2013-2017, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, Escherichia Coli,Tuberculosis, Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease).

  1. Introducethe disease
  2. Mentionsigns, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.
  3. Outlinethe factors that may have contributed to the emergence orreemergence of this infectious diseases.
  4. Howwould you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of HealthPeople 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of thedisease / Infection Control Guidelines.
  5. Isthere a CDC priority for public health response to this specificinfectious disease?
  6. Whatis your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?
  7. Whatis your role as a community health nurse?
  8. Mentionresearch studiesrelated with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3research studies in paper).

ResearchAssignment # 2


The student willchoose (1) ofthe recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease (some exampleswere provided) to develop the research project. Also, thestudent will use given questions to guide the paper.


  1. Youwill submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individualassignment).
  2. Yourresearch paper must follow APA format according to PublicationManual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.). Include acover page and headings per 7thedition APA guidelines.
  3. The research papershould be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or referencepages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or referencepages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 referencesabout the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).


Includethe following components:

  1. Introductionof thedisease
  2. Mentionsigns and symptoms of the disease. How do you diagnose thisinfectious disease?
  3. Outlinethe factors that may have contributed to the emergence orreemergence of this infectious diseases.
  4. Howwould you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of HealthPeople 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of thedisease / Infection Control Guidelines.
  5. Isthere a CDC priority for public health response to this specificinfectious disease?
  6. Whatis your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?
  7. Whatis your role as a community health nurse?
  8. Mentionresearch studies related with the topics discussed in your paper(mention at least 3 research studies in paper).
  9. Conclusion
  10. ReferencesPage

MAXIMUNPOINTS – 100ResearchAssignment #2


Thestudent will read and understand the different emerging / reemerginginfectious diseases discussed in the textbook (chapter 15) and willchoose one to develop this project. The student will follow the givenquestions (1 through 8) that will serve as a guide for this project.Also, the student will explain key concepts and search and evaluateliterature relevant to the topic / evidence of literature thatsupports arguments.

General directions

  1. You will submit one (1) paperas part of this assignment (individual assignment).
  2. Yourresearch paper must follow APA format according to PublicationManual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.). Include acover page and headings per 7thedition APA guidelines.
  3. Theresearch paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the titleor reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the titleor reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5references related to the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journalarticles).

Research Paper

  1. Includethe following components in your research paper:
    1. Title Page
    2. Introduction(general)
    3. Introductionof the disease / problem
    4. Signsand symptoms and diagnosis of the disease
    5. Factorsthat may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of thisinfectious diseases
    6. Mentionthe goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection /Prevention and control of the disease / Infection ControlGuidelines.
    7. CDC(priority for public health) response to this specific infectiousdisease
    8. Thoughtabout emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms
    9. Roleas a community health nurse
    10. Researchstudies (at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles)
    11. Conclusion
    12. ReferencesPage

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