Florida Atlantic University Social Media and Mobile Marketing Replies
Question Description
I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Respond with 150 words – Shilani (Labor)
Globalization is the process of action and consolidation between people, corporations, and governments worldwide. Globalization has grown because of advancements in business and communication technology. With increased international interactions comes the development of global business, ideas, and society. Globalization is mainly the economic process of action and integration that’s related woth social and cultural aspects. Nevertheless, conflicts and dialogue are also huge parts of the history of globalization. Without the right application the idea of globalization could not have become a reality. Today all initiatives have the possibility to get global through the use of the internet. If the business has a website, the marketing tool would allow the business to get customers across thousands of miles with just the click of a button. Technology has permitted jobs to develop and increase in ways never thouight possible. Technology has become very significant that it has become the large business itself from machine hardware manufacture, to software innovation and development, and robotics.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is an agreement that regulates international trade. Its purpose was to reduce tariffs and trade barriers on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis. There are multiple labor and trade agreement acts that are enforced to encourage safe trading. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was implemented in 1994 to encourage trade between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC),one of the two side agreements, commits the United States, Canada, and Mexico to improve working conditions and living standards as NAFTA continues to promoteincreased trade.
Respond with 150 words – Marketing
Morgan Social media and mobile marketing have both quickly become one of the best ways for marketers to engage with their customers. Entering into web 2.0 where there is a “surge in internet usage and digital technologies and devices have spawned a dazzling array of online social media and other digital communities” (Kotler & Armstrong, 2021), as well as the tremendous growth of online marketing. Social media is the “independent and commercial online social networks where people congregate to socialize and share messages, opinions, pictures, videos, and other content” (Kotler & Armstrong, 2021). Within engaging through social media marketers can either use an existing social media or set up their own and either can lead to an increase in customers and profits for a company. Social media is good in that they are targeted, personal, can reach customers that are located further, and bring awareness to the brand or product. Mobile marketing is a great way to reach consumers that are on the go through their mobile devices via text, email, or mobile apps by enriching the and ensuring a better customer relationship. The challenging thing that comes with creating social media and mobile marketing advertisements is to develop and create something that is going to make the customer come running.
Respond with 150 words – Marketing
Brandi Social media and mobile marketing have become big business over the last several years, with companies spending more money on these types of advertising than on television and print ad advertising. Marketers have several ways to increase the engagement of customers including: using attention grabbing taglines, including appealing visuals, focusing on social aspects, and responding in a timely manner to feedback and questions. When creating social or mobile media content, the marketer must choose taglines and photos that will draw the customer’s attention. Many customers are quick to dismiss advertising, and marketers need to create content that will gain their attention causing them to view the advertisement. Marketers too must look to the social aspects of both the product and the company. By displaying how the company works to better the environment or how it has partnered with a worthy cause, marketers can show that a company is about more than just profit. Lastly, marketers look at the response time to customer complaints, questions, and feedback. A social or mobile media post should have active participants to respond inquiries and take feedbacks seriously. Challenges that marketers can face when trying to engage customers can include: trust issues, building brand loyalty, measuring how effective advertisements are, and gaining the right audience. Marketers must understand that customers do not trust everything that they see and hear and have concerns regarding the information that social and digital media obtains. Marketers must protect that information and be sure that it is used properly and that advertisements are guided towards the right audience. In this type of marketing, it can be difficult to target the right audience. Marketers must constantly monitor social and digital responses and work to redirect advertisements that may have been mistargeted. By following hashtags and social buzz, marketers can not only target the correct audience but also monitor the brand loyalty that is built and change as needed to grow that loyalty and audience. Monitoring social media buzz and feedback can help marketers to better understand the effects of advertising and to help with future marketing.
Respond with 150 words – Operation
Alyssa Aggregate planning is concerned with the quantity and timing or production for the intermediate future. Aggregate means combining the appropriate products and resources into general, or overall, terms. the four things needed for aggregate planning are: 1. A logical unit for measuring sales and output, 2. A forecast of demand for a reasonable intermediate planning period in these aggregate terms, 3. A method for determining the relevant costs, and 4. A model that combines forecasts and costs so that scheduling decisions can be made for the planning period. Aggregate planning in services differs from aggregate planning in manufacturing in the following ways: 1. Most services are perishable and cannot be inventoried. It is virtually impossible to produce the service early in anticipation of higher demand at a later time, 2. Demand for services is often difficult to predict. Demand variations may be more severe and more frequent, 3. Services are more customized than manufactured goods and can be offered in many different forms. This variability makes it difficult to allocate capacity. Units of capacity may also be hard to define, 4. Because most services cannot be transported, service capacity must be available at the appropriate place as well as the appropriate time, and 5. Service capacity is generally altered by changes in labor, rather than by equipment or space, and labor is highly flexible resource (Heizer, Munson, & Render, 2017). Generally, all aspects of business must be planned out in advance. There are two main strategies for aggregate planning. The first involves using complex mathematical formulas to predict demand and plan accordingly. The other is trial and error, which is much more informal and inexact. Without aggregate planning, things would be done in a careless manner.
Respond with 150 words – Operation Shilani
Aggregate planning involves developing, analyzing and maintaining the operational schedule of an organization. It organizes areas of business that include targeted sales forecasts, production levels, inventory levels and customer backlogs. When aggregate planning is carried out effectively, the effects of short-sighted, daily scheduling are minimized. Capacity and demand are balanced in a way that minimizes costs where aggregate resources may include the total number of workers, hours of equipment and machine time, or tons of raw materials. Since services do not involve stockpiles or inventory, service focused businesses do not have the luxury of building up their inventories during periods of low demand. In aggregate planning, services are considered perishable, where any capacity that is unused is considered to be wasted. For example, an empty hotel room or an empty flight seat cannot be held and sold at a later time. Services have variable processing requirements that make it hard to establish a good measure of capacity. Aggregate planning in manufacturing involves allocating the correct amount of resources for every manufacturing process so that the time and costs are minimized during idle mode. Aggregate planning in manufacturing works well because of the ability to produce, hold and sell inventory at any given time. Alternatively, aggregate planning in services differs substantially because services cannot be inventoried. The demand for services is much more difficult to predict and capacity is also difficult to measure. Service capacity must be provided at the right place and the right time, while labor is generally the most constraining service resource.
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