ENG 102 HCCC Data Confidentiality & Security on Social Media Forums Discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
This Discussion Question is an opportunity for you to sharpen your proposed idea(s) for the Research Project, which we will work on throughout the second half of the course.
- First, be sure to read my comments and suggestions on your UNIT 3 DQ2 and follow up as you judge best. Give consideration to your academic major, your educational goals beyond HCCC, and your career interests. If you can complete a research project related to these areas and goals, this could be of significant benefit to you, offering built-in motivation. You can also propose a topic related to an area of personal interestscience, technology, sports, the arts, a hobby.
- All topics should relate to the contemporary world (but I would discourage any Covid-related topics because there is still too much uncertainty and you will be overwhelmed by the amount of potential research material youd be facing.)
- All topics should relate to an area you want to learn more about (rather than a topic that you think you know very well). Remember that the first aim of research is to learn.
- All topics should have a strong element of argument/controversy. Your research should, in part, be exploring opposing viewpoints, as you will summarize these arguments and, from a neutral perspective, explain points of disagreement. (For this reason, its best not to choose a topic about which you already have strong opinions. Well be staying away from topics intertwined with religious beliefs or purely ethical/moral principles).
Your DQ1 Post should follow up on your work from the UNIT 3 DQ2, taking, I hope, my suggestions into consideration. Also read the posts of your fellow students to offer helpful suggestions and comments, and also to get some ideas for yourself. Your DQ1 work is not complete until you have posted several replies to others.
If your topic is taking shape and gets my initial approval, you will be able to immediately submit a revised, finished draft before Spring Break, which will count as a DQ for UNIT 5 (I will be making the necessary modifications in the upcoming assignments to make this work).
My respond to UNIT 3 DQ2
As a computer science major with many interests in different fields, it can be difficult to choose a single topic to tackle for my midterm paper. However, I have a broad idea on some topics which I find to be fascinating and would like to delve into. First, I would like to combine virtual reality with philosophy in a topic covering the effect that virtual reality holds on human beings and how it can alter their perception of reality as we know it in real life. Some people argue that using virtual reality often can make a person lose track of their surroundings, this argument can either be backed or debunked. Next, I believe the topic of ethical hacking is one worth discussing and researching as it is a quite controversial one and can unfold different views. Ethical hacking groups can be classified in three groups named: the white, grey and black hat, which help to understand what each group stands for. Finally, an important topic which surfaces on everyones mind at some point is privacy with computer and social media users. Many argue that the computer has more ways than one when it comes to breaching the privacy of its users in consensual as well as non-consensual manners. In this, we may research the theory of spying devices and computers as well as how much information they have access to and what it can be used for. These topics may be developed further or changed completely.
His comment:
Excellent ideas here. I would like to see you narrow these down to a topic more suitable for in-depth treatment in a 6-7 page paper. For example: Choose a specific application of virtual reality that’s controversial and explore both sides of the question. Or likewise, focus on a specific controversy related to computer privacy (such as the use of encryption apps, or confidentiality in electronic medical records) to learn about the debate. Try to follow up in your UNIT 4 DQ1 with some more focused possibilities. Do some initial quick searches to see what may be controversial about them.
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