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ENC 1102 USF Covid 19 and The Financial System Analyzing Articles Discussion

Question Description

Based on the eight-sentence formula from UnderstandingConcepts, write a two-paragraph annotation of an academicarticle—ideally one you plan to use for your Analytic Exploration (itcan be a source from those you collected last week). Summarize thesource and include elements of deconstruction the begin analysis. Formatthe source in the style you will use for the Analytic Exploration.

At the bottom or top of the submission, include the password from the Day 1 video lecture.

As usual, make sure the submission is formattedaccording to MLA or APA standards (yes, not doing so correctly or not atall will impact your grade).

Please review the video, weekly readings, and what’s below before texting/emailing me with questions.

Link for the Week 11 Day 1 Video Lecture (Links to an external site.)


Lying, Promises, Deception, Dishonesty

I’ve mentioned before, and I’ll mention it again because it’s that important.

  • What is plagiarism?
  • How would you define it?

If you were to Google it, you might get this:





the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.

“there were accusations of plagiarism”



infringement of copyright




Definitions from Oxford Languages (Links to an external site.)

As you scan-read and annotate articles for the P2 draft, you should be cognizant of phrasing. Review this link for a reminder (Links to an external site.) of what needs to be cited.

Asyou are researching, annotating, and eventually drafting, strive forcredibility and originality in your writing. Avoid appropriating thewords of others to then pass them off as your own.


Who, How, What, Where, Why, When

There are forms of annotating and annotations—we practiced one form of annotating sources in the last module.

Now, of the six articles you chose from 10.2, choose one toread/scan. Then, write a 2 paragraph annotation based on the 11.1reading.

Like other types of writing we’ve assessed this semester, there is apseudo-formula you can use to make writing annotations easier. Forinstance, the two paragraphs of your annotation will be comprised ofsummary and analysis, which can be achieved in eight sentences:

First Paragraph

1) In (“Article title,”) (Author full name) (verb: investigates, explores, examines) + (summary of article topic).

2) Author name (verb: asks, questions, considers) + (list the research question/hypothesis).

3) (Author last name) employs, utilizes,conducts, applies . . . (discuss details of the research such as method,theory, sample, constant/variable . ..).

4) (Author last name) also employs,utilizes, conducts, applies . . . (discuss details of the research suchas method, theory, sample, constant/variable . . . ) (repeat step 3, butwith different details).

Second Paragraph

5)?(Last name of author) (verb: argues, demonstrates, finds, reports, claims, asserts) that . . . “quote thesis/conclusion/argument of article with an in-text citation” (24).?

6) This could indicate…..(insert your assertion based off evidence in the reading).

7)?(Author’s last name) findings (verb: support, refute, expand, complicate) + (connect the findings to your thesis or research question and the argument being made).

8. This could also (connect to other research: a different author’s claim, a different position or argument or thesis).

The last paragraph of your annotation will be analysis, and will helpyou start making connections. In other words, it’s nice to have asummary of a source, but analysis is much stronger because then yourealize the relevance of the source from your perspective. This is howyou start synthesizing sources (or understanding how best tostage/arrange them in your P2 draft), by analyzing.

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