ENC 1102 Palm Beach State College Torture and Mental Health Bibliography
Question Description
The Annotated Bibliography is not an essay; it is a list of sources with some notes added by the reader, you. Annotated Bibliography. (Lat. biblio, book, Gk. graphein, to write)
Gather four sources using the Academic Search Complete database. These sources will be peer-reviewed journal articles. While your final paper may also include other sources, the four in your Annotated Bibliography all have to be peer-reviewed journal articles.
Capture the citation for each source. Depending on your topic you will use MLA or APA style, or possibly another; just make certain you are consistent. Look at the style your sources use (see the Bibliography, References, or Works Cited at the end of each article). Arrange the citations alphabetically in a document. Then, as you read each article, write two or three sentences about each one, describing what it says and how it will be useful to you as you write your final paper. Remember every assignment from now until the end of the semester is pointing toward your final paper.
Using MLA style, list the sources you plan to use for your Research Paper. For each source, write two or three sentences describing how it is useful for your paper.
The topic I will be talking about is this:
Though correctional facilities are meant to change and instill discipline among the convicts, prison officials should not subject the convicts to mental and physical torture. This is based on the idea that mental torture breaks down and wears an individual and may lead to long-term psychological impairment such as insanity when the convicts finish their prison sentences. Physical torture may also affect the life of the convicts after prison by creating bad memories through scars. It also leads to health problems such as musculoskeletal pains, abdominal pains, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, neurological damages, and sexual difficulties. This can be supported by the fact that exposure to physical and mental torture is a violation and abuse of human rights and have a dire effect on the convict’s well-being in the long run, especially when they finish their terms in the correctional facilities.
Some of the sources will include:
Basoglu, M., Jaranson, J. M., Mollica, R., & Kastrup, M. (2001). Torture and mental health. In The mental health consequences of torture (pp. 35-62). Springer, Boston, MA.
Mollica, R. F., McInnes, K., Pham, T., Fawzi, M. C. S., Murphy, E., & Lin, L. (1998). The dose-effect relationships between torture and psychiatric symptoms in Vietnamese ex-political detainees and a comparison group. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 186(9), 543-553.
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