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ECON 4014 South Florida How Does FDI Affect Economic Growth Discussion

Question Description

Answer one question1. Why is public governance (or political institutions) relevant for FDI in host countries?OR2. How does FDI affect economic growth?Further details (instructions)• This is not a standard essay!• Rather, you should think of it as a briefing note in which you concisely present what you thinkare the most important points of your argument.• The briefing note should be concise, clear, well-structured and it should be a capsule versionof the key points about an issue.• Therefore, you do not need to elaborate a long introduction or summarise conclusions.• Student answers are expected to demonstrate awareness of the contrasts betweenalternative theories/approaches. A unilateral answer which only presents one side of theargument would be regarded as lacking in critical content.• The briefing note could – but this is completely left to your choice – contain a series of bulletpoints. If you decide to use bullets, please order them in a logical sequence.• Section titles can be used. Again, this is a matter of your choice.• Attribute the ideas you use to the rightful owners by means of referencing (if you usesomebody else’s idea and do not attribute it, it is plagiarism). Using lecture notes as areference is not a good idea: use the original authors instead. Full details for all in-textreferences should be given in a bibliography placed in a new page (on page 3 if no appendixhas been used or after the appendix if there is one).• Make sure that you understand what plagiarism is and know how to avoid it.Intended Learning Outcomes being assessedAdd relevant ILO(s) from course specificationBy the end of this course students will be able to:4. Explain what the determinants of FDI are.25. Analyse the potential impacts of FDI in the host and home countrie

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