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DePaul University Sweatshops and Respect for Persons Business Ethics Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I need a 6 page Business Ethics Paper Written-

the following is the directions

Thank you!

Papers are to bewritten double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 with 1-inch margins on each side. Papers should bestructured with the first half of the paper providing a summary of the reading and the second halfproviding analysis of the reading. Two or three discussion questions should complete the paper. Pagenumbers should be provided for key points from the readings and for quoted material. Late papers will belowered by one full grade (ex. B- becomes a C-). The last day to turn in late papers is the final day ofclass.Use your own wording as much as possible. Page numbers must be provided for key points from thereadings and for quoted and paraphrased material. You may place numbers at the end of sentenceslike this (author, page #).

Papers should be structured with:1) The first half of the paper providing a summary of the reading- A summary provides an overview of the key points. You cannot mention everything theauthor says within the space you have been provided…don’t try. Provide only the centralpoints of the reading/readings- Summaries, like outlines, should be objective. Make no references to yourself. In asummary your opinion doesn’t matter; later, when you analyze and evaluate an argument,you can state your opinion and support it.- A summary is not an abridged copy of the reading…a summary provides some structurefor the reader (ex. The author has three main points; the reading provides variousinterpretations on the notion of justice)2) The second half providing analysis of the reading.- This will most likely be an exploration of the key points that you have already mentioned.This can take a variety of forms. You can apply these key points to a case/situation fromanother class. You can explain a flaw in the author’s logic. You can explain whether thereligious argument can be made palatable for all without losing anything from theoriginal teaching. Or, you can argue (with support) why you think the authors point ishelpful or inadequate.- Writing this part of the paper involves more than simply stating your opinions. You mustsupport your views by presenting arguments in favor of them. You should also try todefend your views against potential criticisms. In developing your position on an issue,keep in mind what an intelligent opponent would say in response.3) Finally, two or three discussion questions should complete the paper.

From Professor-

Some notes on writingpapers

  1. In most cases you shouldsummarize an author’s argument in the present tense. Forexample: She describeshuman nature as greedy. NOT: The author describedthe philosophy of Thomas Hobbes.

  1. Try to avoid startingparagraphs with quotes. This allows the quote to direct theparagraph instead of allowing you to direct the paragraph. Also, donot use a quote without setting up the quote orexplaining the quote afterwards.

  1. Pay attention to the topicsentence of your paragraph. Please keep the sentences that follow onthe same theme as the topic sentence. Your arguments and yoursummaries will be more convincing and coherent if you do this.

  1. Never write that you “agreewith some things and disagree with others” without specifyingin the sentence what you agree with and disagree with.

  1. If you can change the subjectof the sentence and the sentence would still be valid for most anytopic then it is a vague (bad) sentence. (ex. Adam Smith presents uswith many great ideas which we must consider carefully).

  1. Authors do not “speak”about things or simply “mention” them. They “write”about their central themes and “discuss” and “argue”their claims.

  1. Quotes over 4 lines longshould be single spaced and with a justified alignment indented andextra 1/2 inch on either side. See below.


  1. Even if you rephrase thewords an author uses, you must cite the author and location of theoriginal text.

  1. Re-readyour papers atleast once (preferablytwice) beforeturning them in. Alternatively, have a friend, family member, orliterate stranger read through your papers and provide you with somefeedback.

  1. Enough said.
    1. their, there, they’re
    2. it’s, its
    3. lose, loose
    4. weather, whether

  1. Define technical words anauthor uses or those words being used in a new, different, orinventive way.

  1. Pick up a copy of Strunk andWhite’s TheElements of Style.This will help you avoid major grammar/style/writing mistakes. Alsoget the The Craftof Research. Thiswill really help your writing…especially in regards tosupporting your claims and staying focused in your writing.

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