CWU Hidden Figures The Help & Malcom X Advanced Films Analysis
Question Description
I’m working on a film question and need support to help me study.
I must include at least two films to analyze and talk about.
Also, I must include 8 quotes from the reading that I will be provide below.
The films are Hidden Figures (2016) by Theodore Melfi, The Help (2011) by Tate Taylor and Malcolm X (1992) by Spike Lee.
8-10 pages douple spaced
For the second paper, I will be analyzing and writing about race and ethnicity in film. The concept of ethnicity is referring to a group that may or may not share ancestry but that has a sense of common identity based on nationality, religious affiliation, race, or culturethere is no precise agreement on what characteristics constitute ethnicity. According to the reading Race, Ethnicity and Film by Robyn Wiegman. To contemporary race theorists, this mobility demonstrates that race and ethnicity are social constructions linked to the specific discursive spheres within which they are used. I will be talking about stereotypes in films. According to the article: it is by virtue of this condensation that an image becomes a stereotype; its racialization is achieved by an implicit or explicit moral assessment concerning the group’s inherent essence. final paper should be seen as a demonstration of the culmination of your learning in this class. As with the previous paper, the goal of this paper is to demonstrate that you can understand, synthesize, and apply the theories that weve been reading in class. Think of this as expansive thinking, you are creating a new insight, or understanding new and interesting relationships between films, or deepening your understanding of the social significance of a film within the context in which it was made. For the final paper, you can focus your attention on any of the theories we discussed in the second half of the semester: weeks 8-14. Choose one or two essays that we have read in class–or an article that you find that is related to the topics of weeks 5-12 (but run by Prof Hardacker first) to discuss. Note that the specific instructions for the Paper #2 Outline indicate that you should illuminate a minimum of 8 quotes from the course readings (or an alternate pre-approved text)–these 8 (minimum) quotes should likewise be used to support your argument in the paper. Thank you!
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