City College of San Francisco Social Construction of Identity Critic

Question Description

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

In this reflection paper, you are to critically engage the topic of the social construction of identity in your life.

critically engage the topic of the social construction of identity in your life

How is your perception of your own identity related to or affected by social and cultural structures, ideas or conventions? Please discuss and provide examples of how at least one of your identities (i.e., religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability and/or age, among others) is shaped, or has been shaped, by cultural and societal influences within contexts of equality and inequality. Please integrate course material (concepts, theories, discussions, lectures, readings). Please cite at least one course reading and one appropriate outside source. All course materials are posted on the course HOME page.

Guidelines: Please review the rubrics before you start writing the paper. Your paper should have a clear structure, including a thesis, body paragraphs with clear topic sentences and focused discussions, and a conclusion. You can use any major citation format (APA, IEEE, Chicago, MLA); each paper should have in-text citations and a reference list.

Format: double space, 12 font size

please follow the rubric!!~~~!!!!

Reflection Paper #3 Rubric (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting competence/Essay organization/Mechanics

10 pts

Thesis is clearly stated in the introduction. Main points are fully supported with valid evidence. Logical closing paragraph includes a recap of the main points and any implications to consider. Writing (via sentence construction, grammar, and punctuation) is properly streamlined.

8 pts

Thesis is stated but not clearly focused. Main points are supported with some valid evidence. Closing paragraph includes some recap of the main points and implications to consider. Writing (via sentence construction, grammar, and punctuation) has some errors.

6 pts

Thesis is briefly hinted/mentioned in the introduction. Main points are lacking in support. Evidence is lacking or needs more credibility for support. Concluding paragraph is present but does not offer a recap of main points or implications for consideration. Writing (via sentence construction, grammar, and punctuation) needs improvement.

4 pts

Thesis is not stated or identified in the introduction or body of the essay. There is no logical conclusion. Main points are present but without a clear thesis the orgaznization and support is uncertain. Writing (via sentence construction, grammar, and punctuation) needs major improvement and proofreading.

0 pts

The essay has too many structural and grammatical problems and needs to be rewritten.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Criteria: Students will be able to describe how identities (i.e. religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age) are shaped by cultural and societal influences within contexts of equality and inequality.

30 pts

Discusses how the student’s identity is shaped by cultural or societal influences thoroughly with specific details. Discussion is clearly related to the main topic; includes clear ideas and consistent supporting details and/or examples.

25 pts

Discusses how the student’s identity is shaped by cultural or societal influences with some specific details. Discussion is clearly related to the main topic, but some parts of the paper are too general or unclear.

20 pts

Discusses how the student’s identity is shaped by cultural or societal influences. The main ideas are clearly related to the topic, but the discussion is not thorough; most parts of the paper do not have adequate supporting details and/or examples.

15 pts

Essay relates to the topic but is too general. The student does not give any specific examples that relate to the topic. Or, there are few details or specifics given in the response.

8 pts

Information is related to the main topic, but no details or examples are provided.

0 pts

The essay does not address the topic directly.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay length and format

5 pts

Essay meets minimum and maximum length requirements, uses Times New Rome 12 point font, and is double spaced.

4 pts

Essay is within 10% of meeting minimum and maximum length requirements. Essay assignment format is partially satisfied.

2 pts

Essay does not follow the assignment format guidelines. Essay did not meet minimum and/or maximum length requirements.

0 pts

Essay has fewer than 450 words and needs to be rewritten.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCites at least one reading from the course and one appropriate outside source

5 pts

The essay includes two citations from course readings or one citation from the course readings and a citation from other credible sources. The essay uses proper citation format in the text and in the reference list.

4 pts

The essay includes at least two citations from the course (or one from the course and one from other credible sources); includes in-text citations and a reference list, but has errors in either the in-text citations or the reference list.

2 pts

The essay includes two citations but does not cite the sources properly. Or the essay includes one citation only.

0 pts

The essay does not include any citation.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSLO 1: Describe identitiesStudents will be able to describe how identities (i.e. religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age) are shaped by cultural and societal influences within contexts of equality and inequality.

threshold: 3.0 pts

5 ptsExceeds Expectations

3 ptsMeets Expectations

0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectation

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