CCSF US Supreme Court & Cameras in The Courtroom Discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a political science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Discussion #1- US Supreme Cour
Add a original posting to the discussion topic in this forum (remember one posting is due by Wednesday night) (to do so, just click the “reply” button below). In the week you must also reply to at least 2 classmates and use their first names by Saturday
The questions for the class to discuss are the following (Address ALL questions in your postings):
U.S. Supreme Court Justices must go through a 3 part process that includes:
- Nomination by the President
- Confirmation by the U.S. Senate (currently a majority vote is required) and
- Appointment by the President
Questions – Address ALL of them
- Should there only be a simple majority vote needed (more than 50)for someone to get the lifetime during good behavior job of a U.S.Supreme Court Justice? Why or why not?
- Should U.S. Supreme Court Justices need to be confirmed with a more than a simple majority such as 60 Senators? Why or why not?
- What do you think are some of the characteristics that should beconsidered when Senators are voting on whether to confirm someone?
- Should it only be education and past legal experience?
- Do you think that how they may decide legal matters or past legal rulings should be a factor?
You must support or explain your viewpoint and feel free to use examples.
Discussion #2- US Supreme Court Cases
Add a original posting to the discussion topic in this forum (remember one posting is due by Wednesday night) (to do so, just click the “reply” button below). In the week you must also reply to at least 2 classmates and use their first names by Saturday
The questions for the class to discuss are the following (Address ALL questions in your postings):
The Supreme Court has considered cases related to gay marriage,abortion and healthcare. This would include cases like California’sProposition 8 case and a set of cases challenging the federal Defense ofMarriage Act (known as DOMA), cases dealing with abortion such as Roev. Wade and subsequent cases dealing with restrictions at the statelevel as well as issues related to the Affordable Health Care Act alsoknow as Obamacare. Explore PBS’s Supreme Court Watch website ( (Links to an external site.)). This site has good information both on the Supreme Court and recent cases.
- Debate with your classmates whether the Supreme Court is theappropriate institution to resolve the issues of gay marriage, abortionor healthcare.
- Should important societal issues be determined by the courts (and thus unelected judges) or Congress?
- Do you believe the courts (not worried about public opinion and onlyinterpreting the law) or Congress (concerned about public opinion asthat is how they get and keep their positions) would be more likely tomake more fair decisions?
- Are gay marriage, abortion or healthcare issues that should be left to the states?
Please support or explain your viewpoint and feel free to give examples as well.
Assignment – Judiciary Response Paper
Response paper for the Judiciary – choose one of thefollowing options for this assignment and address all questions for thetopic you selected.
Cameras in the Courtroom
There is debate about whether there should be cameras used inthe courtroom. Some argue that it is beneficial while others feel thatit is distracting to the proceedings. The U.S. Supreme Court has onlyallowed audio taping of important cases. Generally, courts do not allowcameras to record proceedings, although laws may vary by state.Fourteen federal trial courts are taking part in a digital video pilotprogram. (See link for Cameras in Courtroom in module)
First review one of the videos available on the Cameras in theCourtroom website. Note that you may choose your video based on thecourt location, subject matter or procedural issues.
In your paper you should clearly state which case you viewed,begin with a summary of the content of the video and case then proceedto answer all of the following questions.
- Did you get the sense that the presence of the camera seemed to impact the people in the courtroom?
- You should also reflect on how you feel about cameras in thecourtroom overall. Should they be allowed in all cases, only certaincases or not at all?
Be certain to state your reasons for your conclusion and give examples.
Pathways to the Bench
Watch at least TWO of the videos detailing the pathways to the benchthat some of the federal judges have taken. There is a link in themodule.
Your assignment is to write a reflection paper that includes all of the following elements.
- You must identify which videos you watched
- Summarize their content of the videos
- You must detail the selection process to become a federal judge (all three steps).
- What you believe should be factors considered in this process?
- What are your reflections on the videos you watched?
Support your argument using the text, your knowledge of American politics and outside sources (if necessary).
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