Capella University Low Achievement Levels of Minority Students Review Case Study
Question Description
I’m working on a social science Discussion and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Case Studies Review
Choose one of the case study examples from your readings for this unit in the Stringer textbook, and detail how action research was applied in the case study. Discuss each of the following:
- The issue investigated.
- The context of the case study.
- The stakeholders.
- How the data was gathered.
- How the data was analyzed.
- Ethical issues.
- Outcomes of the case study.
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of your peers, and respond to at least two who discussed a different case study example from your own. For each response, discuss how your peer’s case study example was similar to and/or different from yours, and why.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
- Define what was learned about the data from a study, including the major findings of the study and examples from the study that support the findings.
- Describe the general approach (such as individual, collaborative, organizational, or community) to a selected research design for a chosen study.
- Explain how and why an approach to a selected research design may have been chosen.
- Identify important kinds of data that were collected from a study.
- Communicate coherently to support central ideas, using current APA format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Unit 5 Assignment Preparation
For your Unit 5 assignment, Organizing and Analyzing Data, you will compile and analyze the data for your course project to write the Results of Data Collection and Analysis section for your Action Research Project Report. You will also revise the content from your Unit 2 and Unit 3 assignments to reflect any changes that may be called for, based on instructor feedback or other project developments. Then, you will compile all of the sections you have completed in the course project assignments thus far and submit this as your Unit 5 assignment.This week, complete the following in preparation for the Unit 5 assignment:
- Review the Unit 5 Organizing and Analyzing Data assignment and its scoring guide to verify you are addressing all of the assignment requirements.
- As you have learned from your readings in this unit, research studies are usually developed according to a specific research design, such as teacher research, experimental, case study, qualitative, quantitative, and so forth. The research design is essentially the methodology used to answer the research question. Identify the type of research design that was applied in your chosen study, and consider why this design was appropriate for the study. Did the research design help to address the research question?
- There are several different types of approaches to research design, including individual, collaborative, organizational, and community approaches. Determine which one is used in the study you are examining, and consider the steps and processes involved. Be prepared to discuss this in your Unit 5 assignment.
- Begin to research scholarly articles to support your work.
- Begin to evaluate the data from your chosen research study.
Drafting Your Assignments
For each assignment in this course, use the SafeAssign Draft option to check your writing and ensure that you have paraphrased, quoted, and cited your sources appropriately. Run a SafeAssign report, saving your paper as a draft. Based on your SafeAssign results, make any necessary changes to your paper before submitting your final assignment to your instructor for grading.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
- Identify important kinds of data that were collected from a study.
- Explain how and why an approach to a selected research design may have been chosen.
- Describe the general approach (such as individual, collaborative, organizational, or community) to a selected research design for a chosen study.
- Define what was learned about the data from a study, including the major findings of the study and examples from the study that support the findings.
- Define for each data collection method used in a specified study what the data was and how it was collected.
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