California State University Most Suitable Parenting Style for Adolescents Paper
Question Description
I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
WHAT MAKES A GOOD PAPER?1. Your paper should be structured overall and within each paragraph. That is, it shouldbegin with an introduction that introduces the thesis (or main purpose) of your essay,include supporting paragraphs that provide evidence for your thesis, and end withconcluding remarks. Each paragraph of the essay as well should be structured with anintroduction, main arguments, and a conclusion or summary.2. Your paper should demonstrate your ability to synthesize (i.e., put together in ameaningful way) information from different sources. Your ideas should be written in acoherent manner. There should be a good flow of ideas and transitions should be used tolink the key points of your arguments.3. Your paper should demonstrate a good understanding of developmental theory,processes, and concepts related to your topic. All claims that you make in your paperMUST be supported by evidence.PAPER SUBMISSION POLICY:All papers should be typed, double-spaced, and follow APA guidelines for title page, citationsand references. Your paper should be clear, concise, and demonstrate your knowledge of thetheories, concepts, and research related to parent-child relationships. A difficult part of writingfor most of us (myself included) is learning to be clear and concise, highlighting relevant pointswhile still providing necessary details. You will be practicing this skill in this course. You will
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