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American Intercontinental University Basic Accounting Statements Discussion

Question Description

Assignment Details

There are three basic accounting statements, as follows:

  • Profit and Loss Statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Statement of cash flows

Each statement provides valuable data for users of financial information.

Imagine that you are operating the small business that you opened in the previous unit.

  • Which of the three basic accounting statements do you feel would the most important in your day-to-day operations?
  • Why do you feel this accounting statement is the most important?

Read through your peers’ posts, and when you respond to them, consider the following:

  • List some additional advantages and disadvantages to the accounting statement your peer selected.
  • Discuss why you agree or disagree with the rationale that your peers gave for their selected accounting statement.

In your own words, post a response to the Discussion Board, and comment on at least 2 other postings. You will be graded on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion.

Discussion Board Reminders:

  • Must have three posts: A Main Post and two replies to peers.
    • First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.
    • Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.
  • Connect to Content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.
  • Engaging in Class Discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points
Quality of Main Post

18 Points
Student’s main post meets or exceeds the following requirements:

  • Responds completely to all of parts of discussion question (5 points)
  • Communicates content information accurately and/or logically (5 points)
  • Delivers a thoughtful response demonstrating insights and reflections (4 points)
  • Connects to both key content concepts and personal experiences (4 points)
Response to Peers

16 Points

Responds to a minimum of two peers (8 points per response)

  • Substantive response (4 points)
  • Furthers the conversation with peers. Examples could include (4 points):
    • Provides additional resources
    • Connects to key concepts
    • Shares personal or professional experiences
    • Contributes new information or perspective
    • Presents a competing viewpoint
/16 pts.
Support from Learning Resources

3 Points

At least one post refers to course learning resources. /3 pts.
Professional Writing

3 points

Response is well-organized, clear, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.

Posts demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.

/3 pts.
Total 40 points possible /40 pts.

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