Utica College Ethics in Nursing Paper
Question Description
PLEASE go to Youtube to view Whats New in IRB Review Under the Revised Common Rule for Part 1V Understanding of the homework assignment.
Textbook for Part 2 of the assignment is found in chapter 4, 4.5 & 4.6 This is the title of the textbook Understanding Nursing Research Building an Evidence-Based 7th edition by Susan K. Grove and Jennifer R. Gray.
HOMEWORK E Format your answers in the form of a WORD document (No PDFs) compliant with APA formatting standards, with some exceptions. A title page is required. The body is composed of answers to questions asked in the 4 sections below. A reference page is not required. Use 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial font with APA margins, line-spacing, and paragraph alignment. Use section headings. Your answers should be labeled numerically in an order that is congruent to how the questions are being presented. Therefore, your answers should be labeled with the number for the question you are answering. Your answers are not to be in a short essay format unless indicated. Answers should not exceed one paragraph per question. Use complete sentences (where appropriate), proper grammar, and spell-check the document before submission. Scholarly writing is worth 10% of your grade. Do not exceed 3 pages in length (excluding the title page). Should the body of your paper be more than 3 pages, only the first three pages will be graded and any required content not included in these pages will be marked as not done and the appropriate point deductions will apply. Should you submit your paper in PDF format, you will receive a “0” with resubmission being at the sole discretion of your instructor. Label your assignment as: Homework E: Last name_First name Unit 5: Examining Ethics in Nursing Research Purpose: Distinguish the characteristics of reported research misconduct in case summaries. Determine which level of IRB review is appropriate for different research studies. Restate factual knowledge about revisions to the Common Rule. Demonstrate how to successfully search databases for government documents, thesis, or dissertation. MLO 3, 7a, 8b Part I Critical Analysis (40%) The goal of research is to generate sound scientific knowledge, which is possible only through the honest conduct, reporting, and publication of studies. Research misconduct is a serious ethical problem that includes plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data, and duplicate publication. Visit the website of the Office of Research Integrity, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Research Misconduct, Case Summaries (https://ori.hhs.gov/case_summary). Select an example of research misconduct that has occurred in the past 5 years and answer the following questions:
Part II Recognition (16%) An IRB consists of a committee of peers who examine studies for ethical concerns with three levels of reviewexempt, expedited, and complete. The extent of any risk for harm and discomfort as well as the vulnerability of the proposed sample will determine the level of IRB review that is needed, whether exempt research, expedited review, and full board review. Consider the following study descriptions and determine the level of IRB review required (exempt, expedited, or full review). Consult Box 4.5 and Box 4.6 in Chapter 4 in the textbook. (You may simply list the answer; you do not have to re-type the content.)
Part III Evidence Search (14%) EBP involves the use of the best research evidence to support clinical decisions in practice. The levels of research evidence are a continuum, with the highest quality of research evidence at the top of the pyramid and the weakest research evidence at its base (see Fig. 1.3). Evidence-based guidelines are rigorous, explicit clinical guidelines that have been developed based on the best research evidence available in that area. Locate and provide a Government Document or a Dissertation/Thesis on appropriate coping strategies for burnout preventionand:
Part IV Understanding (20%) Ethical standards related to human study subject protection include the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report, the Common Rule, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Click on the link and view the video Whats New in IRB Review Under the Revised Common Rule and answer the following questions using complete sentences. Your answers must come from the assigned link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDsUUs9j3sQ
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