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University of Houston Statutes and Regulations in Hospitality Discussion

Question Description

Your assignment is to research and report on (1) current legal issue or (2) federal or statestatute, regulation, or pending legislation affecting the hospitality industry1. The paper mustcontain 750 words and must follow the formatting guidelines provided on the handout “ResearchPaper Guidelines” posted on Blackboard. While you are to choose your own issue or law toresearch, I recommend that you email me the specific issue or law you choose and a one ortwo sentence overview of the issue(s) you plan to discuss prior to investing too much time inresearching. I will let you know if I think you should narrow or broaden your scope. See ExhibitA if you need help in finding a law. (You might want to start by considering a problem in theindustry and then identifying a relevant law.) I have not updated Exhibit A to include COVID-19,but feel free to choose any of the many legal issues related to the pandemic and the hospitalityindustry!If you choose to research and report on a federal or state statute, regulation, or pendinglegislation affecting the hospitality industry, you should research the law or bill and its purposeand then write a report in which you identify and explain the law in detail, state the purpose of thelaw, describe how the law applies to the hospitality industry, and describe any beneficial or adverseeffects the law may have on the industry. Discuss ambiguities, conflicts, or controversiessurrounding the law, if there are any. Provide examples when explaining how the law applies tothe industry. The paper should include a brief introduction, a body that includes the items listedabove, and a brief summary conclusion.If you instead choose a current legal issue, you should identify and analyze the issue andits effect on the hospitality industry. In addition, you should research and identify the law thatrelates to your specific issue. Discuss any conflicts or controversies related to the issue and/or therelated law. As above, the paper should include a brief introduction, a body that includes the itemslisted above, and a brief summary conclusion.This research paper requires analysis, not just description. You should learn about the lawthrough research, analyze the law, and then inform the reader. To analyze means to break a topicor concept down into its parts to inspect and understand it, and to restructure those parts in a waythat makes sense to you. Primary sources are original documents or research, including speeches, letters, interviews,official records, creative works, and artifacts. If writing about a poem, the text of the poem isconsidered a primary source. In this case, the text of the law itself, as published by the government,is a primary source. Secondary sources include interpretations or analysis of primary sources andare removed from the event or topic. Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, criticismsand newspaper or magazine articles. You should have at least one primary source in this paper,which will be the statute, regulation, or pending legislation from its original source (i.e., theU.S. Code, Federal Regulations, etc.). You should have at least two other sources, whetherprimary or secondary. Use APA style when citing to your sources.You should think critically, not only about the subject, but also about the sources you find.(For example: Wikipedia is not a source. It is possible, however, to find valid sources from thereferences in a Wikipedia article.) Analyze your sources by evaluating their authority, credibility,accuracy, and objectivity. Remember that just because something is in print or on the Internet, itis not necessarily “the truth.”

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