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University of Central Florida Subliminal Stimuli Influence Behaviors Discussion

Question Description

Click on the Session 2 Discussion link and create a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on 3 classmates’ responses. Respond by making constructive responses or by raising other questions that will promote further discussion and learning by all of us.

Can u make a qestion at the end of each reponse? Thank you …

Student One

Jessica Isakson

Reading Reflection

Quickly off-topic, I want to mention I took the personality test! I find it interesting; many years ago, I took a similar test and was put as a Sanguine Melancholy; at that point in my life, I lived at home with my parents still and had very little sense of full-time work and homeownership. My life has changed immensely over the years, and with this test I just took, I am a Choleric Phlegmatic. Interesting to see, so I thought I would share! On another side note, I find it well rounded all the numbers were very close to each other, choleric and phlegmatic just past the others slightly.

Now, on topic. There is a lot to digest in the reading this week! Something that is not sticking very well with me is that Subliminal stimuli influence behaviors (Bernstein, Ch. 4, 2019). Yes, I agree that it does influence things that someone might do, and it might help with being happy or feeling good after receiving the message, but I cannot entirely agree with it as an overall behavior change. The Lord is the path and shows the path. Through Him, the behavior is guided. The Lord’s word tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Holy Bible: ESV, 2001, Proverbs 3:5-6).

Something I found interesting is the study from a theater where some were told there would be messaged to improve memory, and some were told there were messages to improve self-esteem. In this study, there were messages to improve memory sent to people looking for self-esteem and vice-versa (Bernstein, Ch. 4, 2019). This was not addressed in the text, but I saw this as the Lord saying the message that is meant for the person is the message that the person would get, not always the one they are waiting for. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Holy Bible: ESV, 2001, Isaiah 41:10).

Currently, I am still digesting this information. I am not sure what I will take from all of this, but I have enjoyed learning more about sleep and dreams. I look forward to learning more and growing my understanding of psychology.

Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). Crossway Bibles.

Bernstein, D. (2019). Essentials of Psychology (7th ed.). Cengage.

Tudent 2

Tamika Lindsey



I didn’t notice anything that could be a potential conflict, however what stood out to me was the different parenting styles. Proverbs 22:6 says to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. This scripture helps me to know that I have to teach my children what they need to know, even if they decide to stop and go their seperate way they will remember what was taught to them.

After reading chapter 9 page 358. I learned about the different parenting styles. This gave me an understanding of what my children spoke of all the time. I have seven children ages 20, 20, 18, 17 then 13, 11, 10. My four older children always told the younger children they had it made. They say that I was more stricker and there was no allowance for chores. I have to admit that I was strict on obedience, I didn’t sit down with them and conversate about life and allowed them to tell me what was going on with them. They were afraid to talk to me about anything they did wrong. This let me know that I was an Authoritarian parent, there was no sympathy, I taught them to be tough things out. With my younger children its a difference, I am a Authoritative parent I noticed that they get good grades in school, they are happy all the time and feel free but still are obedient. With my 17 and 18 year old, I was permissive and that was because I seen how tough I was with them and what it did to the two older children, I tried to prevent what happened to the oldest two from happening to them. However, it caused issues when I allowed them to do what they wanted to do. Being permissive caused those two to do everything they wanted to do. As a parent now I am understanding, I teach them what I can by setting an example. I asked God to open my heart and give me patience and understanding for my children. We all can sit and talk anything.

After reading the parenting styles, it gave me an understanding of the difference. It helped me to understand as a parent, relationship and how I raise them is important. I learned of the different parenting styles and I can now tell someone else and encourage them. Also share with my children the labels. I thank God that I was never an uninvolved parent. I thank God for saving me,I am a changed person and can recognize my mistakes. I thank God for being forgiving and for giving me wisdom to raise seven children, although the older children suffered. God opened doors for them to be able to tell me how they felt. When they were sad all the time and acting out I didn’t understand why, but he showed me. With that I am able to be different with the younger ones and was able to mend the broken areas with the older children. After not being loved properly most of my life. With my older children I couldn’t express it to them properly. I learned about love through Jesus, First Corinthians 13, taught me how to love and how I am supposed to love others. Therefore I learned to love my children properly. Then I was able to change things around and follow his word. I pray and ask God to mold them into who he wants them to be. I lead by example and love them.

Student 3

Jessica Payne

Cognition and Development


It seems there will always be some conflict between theology and science, especially the science of the mind. For every area of conflict however there are just as many points that can be agreed upon between theology and science. This may be especially true when looking at the psychology of adults in their late adult stage of life, as this seems to be a time when people think most about their religious beliefs.

When I read the chapter on consciousness, I wondered why spirituality was not mentioned or discussed. Bernstein defined consciousness as “awareness of the outside world and of one’s own thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and other mental processes” (Bernstein, 2019, p. 158 ), however I believe the awareness of the spiritual aspects of the world and oneself are just as important. How we approach spirituality can affect and change our view of the world, as well as our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and other mental processes. The conversion of the apostle Paul is a wonderful example of this. Paul’s account in Galatians 1:11-16 confirms how his encounter with Jesus Christ, which led to being born again and receiving the Holy Spirit changed his entire worldview, from being a Pharisee and persecuting Christians to being one of the most influential advocates for Christ. Paul also confirms in this account that it was not the outside world, or his own thoughts, feelings or perceptions that brought about this change of heart, it was Jesus Christ and God the Father.

The chapter on human development briefly went into gender roles. Bernstein mentions that “A biological contribution to male-female differences is suggested by several lines of evidence. First, studies show sex differences in anatomy, hormones, and brain organization and functioning” (Bernstein, 2019, p. 364). The scripture states multiple times that God created male and female (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 5:2, Mark 10:6, Matthew 19:4 etc.) This is a fact supported by data in science in studies that have found over 100 differences in male and female brains. In an article by Stanford medicine, Larry Cahill, PhD. Is quoted that “the human brain is a sex-typed organ with distinct anatomical differences in neural structures and accompanying physiological differences in function” (Goldman, 2017). One study in China using different brain scanning techniques found that “The result of two-sample t-test of 32 features of men and women shows that there are 25 features had significant gender differences” (Xin, Zhang, Tang & Yang, 2019), suggesting that “gender-related functional differences may be associated with the gender-specific structure of the brain” (Xin, Zhang, Tang & Yang, 2019). In our modern society where gender neutrality and confusion are common and even being taught in some schools, understanding the biological aspect of gender seems more important than ever.

Reading about the physical, cognitive, and social changes for adults in late adulthood was interesting to me as I am currently working as a CNA with many hospice patients. Bernstein mentions that people in this stage of life “become more interested in the religious and spiritual side of life” (Bernstein, 2019, p.379). This has absolutely been my experience with those who are near death, and it is such a blessing to be able to comfort those in their last stage of this life through Gods magnificent word. One point I did not know before reading this section that cognitive decline was related to intelligence, income, or occupation. Bernstein also mentions that “A life full of organized activities and opportunities to interact with lots of different people—not just family members—also helps to prevent the decline of cognitive abilities” (Bernstein, 2019, p. 373). Introducing new activities and more opportunities for my residents to socialize may help counteract the detrimental effects of not being able to have visits from family and friends due to COVID-19. The psychology of the effects of touch, especially on this age group and infants, is a subject I wish Bernstein would have covered in his chapter on human development, I am hoping to see something on this as we read further over the next few weeks.


Bernstein, D. A. (2019). Essentials of Psychology (7th ed.). Cengage Learning Inc. Boston, MA.

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Xin, J., Zhang, Y., Tang, Y., & Yang, Y. (2019 March 8). Brain Differences Between Men and Women: Evidence from Deep Learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Brain Imaging Methods.

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Goldman, B. (2017). Two Minds: The Cognitive Differences Between Men and Women. Stanford Medicine.

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