University of California Riverside Role of Ministry of Nursing Presentation
Question Description
I’m working on a powerpoint project and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Ministry of Nursing Topic Presentation:
Prepare a 10-15 minute Voice-Over PowerPoint presentation about a selected ministry of nursing topic that will be shared with a small group of peers to clarify, inform, educate, and/or even excite. Choice of topics ( MY TOPIC: Resources available for patients and/or families) must be posted to the designated discussion site for approval by the faculty and to prevent the duplication of topics. This selection of topics should be done by the end of the third (3rd) week of class. (Suggested topics are listed on the following page)
The presentation is to be submitted to the instructor as an assignment AND posted to the designated discussion area for discussion by peers. It is expected that this presentation will be organized and with correct APA formatting of citations and references, and that a minimum of 3 relevant and current articles from scholarly/peer-reviewed journals will be integrated within the presentation and within 5 years. Required course reading, Bible references, and dictionary references will not count as a reference for the presentation, but may be used. This presentation will be graded by the instructor on the basis of 100 points as follows:
- Format/Presentation (50 pts total):
- Organized in clear, logical manner with clear voice-overs for each visually appealing slide (excluding reference slides.) (10 pts)
- Ideas clear with appropriate font and number of words on slides (10 pts)
- Within given time frame of 10-15 minutes (5 pts)
- Correct APA format for citations and references (15 pts)
- Reviews and critiques 2 studentsÂ’ presentations (10pts)
- Content (50 pts total):
- Content reflects understanding of topic and links theories to practical experience (25 pts)
- At least 3 scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles utilized that are relevant and current (20 pts)
- All references are integrated into presentation (5 pts)
Please put slides into bullet point format and keep to a minimum
Please put information in the notes section of each powerpoint so I know what to say during my presentation.
Please provide pictures and a cool layout.
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