University of California Irvine Tutoring Children Journal Entry Paper
Question Description
A journal entry (1 page max., single spaced) is required for assigned fieldwork videos. Observations of fieldwork videos should be described in sufficient detail and, should specifically identify and analyze any strategies that were observed to support learning of content. Challenges, successes, insights, or other observations should be recorded. Connections to assigned readings and tools from manual should be evidenced in each entry.
To obtain the maximum points, refer to the online rubric for this assignment and the following guiding questions to further guide your analysis of these fieldwork videos-What was the goal of the lesson? If not stated, what do you think the target learning goal was for students? What strategies were used to make content accessible? Does the teacher support student learning by asking open-ended questions, guiding the learning process, and providing objective constructive feedback? How so? How did the teacher engage students? What were they doing, making, writing and/or discussing to make their thinking visible? How were the strategies implemented? How was student learning measured? Were students successful or not? Why? Did you make explicit connections to assigned readings for the week and tools from manual? If you had the opportunity to tutor a child in this classroom on the same content, what strategies would you utilize, adapt or change and why?
- Watch Designated Fieldwork Videoclips
- Elementary (K-6), Teaching Channel
Journal EntriesRubric
Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBrief Description of CriteriaVideoclip is described succinctly and includes the beginning, middle and end of clip. In addition, the goal of the lesson and its result(s) were identified and included in this introductory paragraph. 3.0 ptsFull Marks 0.0ptsNo Marks 3.0pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of VideoclipAnalysis is described in sufficient detail and makes clear connections to assigned reading from designated module or a combination of assigned article(s) and tools manual. Answers most of the guiding questions that examine strategies teacher used to support student learning (e.g., strategies used, modes of assessment, active engagement, types of questions used to prompt discussion). Also includes if students were successful in the lesson or not by providing rationale. 4.0 ptsFull Marks 0.0ptsNo Marks 4.0pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflectionIncludes a paragraph that describes what you would do as a tutor in this classroom. (e.g., If you had the opportunity to tutor a child in this classroom on the same content, what strategies would you utilize, adapt or change and why? If there is a child you observed in the videoclip that seems to be struggling, how would you help him/her?) 3.0 ptsFull Marks 0.0ptsNo Marks 3.0pts Total Points: 10.0
- Elementary (K-6), Teaching Channel
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