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SU Factors Leading to Underdevelopment to Experience Significant Changes Essay

Question Description

  1. Comparing Factors that Lead to Underdevelopment


    This assignment calls for you to select two Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and assess if there are any factors that are common to both as far as their development is concerned. Your two countries must come from the following list:

    Burundi Benin Cameroon Nigeria
    Nicaragua Guatemala Central African Republic North Korea
    Angola Ghana Chad Yemen
    Eritrea Cuba Congo Thailand
    Egypt Iran Equatorial Guinea Zimbabwe
    Zambia Oman Ethiopia Philippines
    Congo Liberia Gabon Bahrain
    Tanzania India Guyana Mexico
    El Salvador Lebanon Honduras Pakistan
    Syria Guinea Kenya Sri Lanka
    Algeria Gambia Mozambique Senegal
    Malawi Indonesia Namibia Vietnam
    Morocco Myanmar Rwanda Haiti
    Sudan Bolivia Somalia Kuwait
    Mauritania Mali South Africa Iraq
    Botswana Bangladesh Tunisia Niger
    Libya Malaysia Uganda Panama

    Source: United Nations. 2014. Country Classification.It may help you to be familiar with the concept of poor governance, because this often plays a significant part in why a country is underdeveloped. According to the World Bank, governance is defined as how power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development. Therefore, if good governance is synonymous with sound development management, then poor governance means a government has failed to deliver desirable outcomes for its people. This could mean that officials are corrupt, not transparent with their decisions, unqualified to make decisions in the first place, or prone to make decisions based on racism, tribalism or ethnicity, which are very common practices in LCDs.The most common factor used to decide whether countries are underdeveloped nations is through the Human Development Index. Countries that are underdeveloped in nature offer poor healthcare, few educational opportunities, a low average life expectancy, low number of job opportunities, few recreational facilities, poor economic growth, low standard of living, and a poverty-stricken life.


    Write at least a six-page paper, in which you:

    1. Identify the two LDCs (from the provided list), which you will compare and assess. Explain why you chose these two countries.
    2. Analyze the features that the LDCs have in common using at least five of the following nine factors (clearly label the five factors using headings):
      • Geography.
      • Extractive institutions.
      • Governmental corruption.
      • Internal or external conflicts.
      • Shaky financial systems.
      • Unfair judicial systems.
      • Ethnic, racial, or tribal disparities.
      • Lack or misuse of natural resources.
      • Closed (statist) economies.
    3. Use at least seven credible sources. Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and blogs do not qualify as reputable academic source work at the college level. Do not use sources that are older than seven years.

    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.”The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Analyze the features of less developed countries.
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