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St Cloud State University Cultural E Explorations in Colombia Bogota Discussion

Question Description

Spanish 110 – Fall, 2020 Explanation and rubric for Cultural E-Explorations

Two times in the semester you will turn in a Cultural E-Exploration. Here is the situation: For this assignment we will pretend that St. Cloud State has hired you to help plan a special study-abroad version of Span 110. In this version we travel to and spend a week in a place within the unit being described. So, for each place you must research the area and put together a report that covers the following three areas. Write your report in FULL PARAGRAPH FORM with bullet points for key pieces of information.

1) Transportation and accommodation

Flight costs and options

Public transportation options where you are visiting

What are the lodging options? – Choose a housing option based on proximity to culturally important spots and lower price.

2). Cultural activities

What would be excellent cultural activities for the group to do? (monuments, important places, arts, music, architecture, sports, nature, tours, etc.) Offer up general options along with specific activities with some historical/cultural background information for the activity and cost involved.

3) Food

First of all describe what the food and drink is like in general in the region you’re exploring and then what will be some specific things to try. If there are specific dishes please explain what they consist of. How much should be budgeted for food?

Each section should be a mix of paragraph or longer description in your words and bullet points.

Due Dates are as follows:

Cultural Exploration by Tuesday, November 17th

Choose one (1) of the following itineraries:

A. Colombia: Bogotá for 3 (3) nights and then Cartagena for four (3) nights.

B. Peru: Lima for two (2) nights and then Cusco for four (4) nights with visit to Machu Picchu.

I will accept the Cultural Exploration up to one class-period after the suggested due date with no penalty to your grade. Submissions turned in more one class period after the due date will receive a 10% reduction of your grade.

Each report is worth 75 points. The evaluation rubric is as follows: You receive 10 points for turning in the document in any form. Then the are 20 points given for “Form” and 15 points for “Content” for each of the three areas of the report.

Form: 20 points – Document is very well written, very well organized, easy to follow and with very few if any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Vocabulary is very rich, specific, appropriate and descriptive.

18 points – Document is generally well written and well-organized but has a few spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Vocabulary is generally good and generally appropriate and descriptive.

16 points – Document is generally fairly well written and organized but has more than a few spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Vocabulary is generally adequate and generally appropriate and somewhat descriptive.

14 points – Document is generally not well written and organized and it has more than a few spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Vocabulary is more general and repetitive and less descriptive.

12 points– Document is not well written and is poorly organized and has repeated, systemic spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Vocabulary is very general and repetitive and not very descriptive.

5 points – Document is poorly written and poorly organized but has numerous spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Vocabulary is general, inadequate and not descriptive or appropriate.

Content (for each paragraph/section):

15 points – Information is very cohesive, specific, thorough, complete, appropriate, interesting and well explained. Analysis is very well thought-out and has depth and very clear explanation.

13.5 points – Information is cohesive, specific, thorough, complete, appropriate, interesting and well explained. Analysis is well thought out, and has some depth and good explanation.

12 points – Information is generally cohesive. It is as general as specific, somewhat thorough, complete, appropriate, interesting and well explained. Analysis is somewhat well thought out, and has some depth and adequate explanation.

10.5 points – Information is somewhat cohesive. It is more general than specific, somewhat superficial, not thorough, incomplete, inappropriate at times, not very interesting and not well explained. Analysis is generally not well thought out, and is generally superficial and has only some explanation.

9 point – Information is generally not cohesive. It is mostly general, not thorough, incomplete, inappropriate and poorly explained. Analysis is not at all well thought out, and is superficial and it has inadequate explanation

8 points – Information is not cohesive. It is very general, incomplete, inappropriate and very poorly-explained. Analysis is very weak and superficial and it has almost no explanation.

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