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SJSU Carnot Efficiency Is the Maximum Possible Efficiency of A Heat Engine Code

Question Description

In thermodynamics, the Carnot efficiency is the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine operating between two reservoirs at different temperatures. The Carnot efficiency, ?, is given as

? = LaTeX: 1:-:frac{T_C}{T_H}1 ? T C T H

where LaTeX: T_CT C and LaTeX: T_HT H are the absolute temperatures at the cold and hot reservoirs, respectively. Write a script “carnot.m” that will prompt the user for the two reservoir temperatures in Kelvin, call a custom function (a function that you write) to calculate the Carnot efficiency, and then print the corresponding Carnot efficiency to 3 decimal places inside scripts (NOT IN FUNCTION). Use Tc and Th for the temperature variables.

There are total of 3 parts to turn in

1. scripts including minimum one line of comment of what the function does and codes

2. function including one line of comment of what the function does and codes. Function only calculates the value and past back to scripts. This function only calculates. NO PRINTING IN FUNCTION.

3. screenshot of PDF of the result after you run the program

There are total of 2 “.m” files. One from #1 and one from #2. #3 will be PDF of your result.

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