San Jose State University Culture and Health Disparity Research Paper
Question Description
You will write one individual research paper in this class that is between 8-10 pages long.. The objectives for this assignment are:
1) Describe a culture that you are a part of including its origins, membership, and history relating to social justice including key events, movements, and/or important individuals.
2) Identify and descirbe a disparity (health, healthcare access, or social determinant of health) experienced by members of that culture using data to support your assertions.
3) Describe a current initiative to address the identified disparity, including suggestions for future implementation. If none exist describe what initiatives need to be created.
Individual Research Paper
The complex whole which includes beliefs, art, knowledge, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by [man] as a member of society (Tylor, 1871).
The set of learned behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals that are characteristic of a particular society or population (Ritter & Graham, 2017).
An inherited lens through which the individual perceives and understands the world that [he] inhabits and learns to live within (Helman, 2000).
Within a group, what everybody knows that everybody else knows (Sleeter & Grant, 1988).
The Individual Research Paper assignment asks you to identify a cultural group that you identify with and explore a disparity that the group experiences using data to describe and define the disparity, including comparisons to other groups (without that last piece it wouldnt be a disparity, just a health outcome).
This in-depth analysis of the health disparity in a specific cultural group should be 8-10 pages long (not including cover page, references, and attachments), and address the following components
- Choose a cultural group that you feel you have an active identity around or involvement with and provide some background on the culture:
- Describe your relationship to this culture.
- Provide historical context for the culture, including its origins and key developmentsthat have helped shape the culture and the experience of its members, includingchallenges to social justice and equity.
- Membership demographics and characteristics who makes up this culture, such asnationality, race/ethnicity, spirituality/religion, and location.
- Identify and describe a disparity experienced by this group. This can be a health disparity which is
a higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality experienced by one group
relative to another
, a health care disparity which
typically refers to differences between
groups in health insurance coverage, access to and use of care, and quality of culturally
appropriate care (KFF, 2018)
or housing and how that affects the groups health
access to quality education
or a disparity in the social determinants of health such as
III. Present data that support your beliefs about the identified disparity in this population OR discuss why you think the existing data does NOT support the existence of the health disparity OR why you think the data does not exist to support the disparity (such as the cultural group not historically being counted in national data, such as with Transgender communities.
The data and analysis should include:
- Who experiences the disparity, who is/are the comparison groups, and data on the specific disparity?
- The significance and/or outcomes of the disparity
- Factors that affect the disparity such as policies or the absence of policies, access toculturally appropriate care, location and the built environment, or access to education.IV. Identify a public health initiative that has been implemented for the disparity in the identified cultural group:
- What was the initiative(s) about, including the region it was conducted, priority population, and strategies and activities that are utilized in the initiative?
- What makes the initiative culturally competent?
- How did the organization engage their identified population?
- How successful were the initiatives in addressing the disparity and improvinghealth outcomes in your chosen population group?
- Discuss suggestions or recommendations you have for to supplement or improvethe initiative(s), and in developing future programs or public health initiatives for this population group based on the concepts you have learned in this class.General Requirements: Be sure to begin with an introduction, and end with a conclusion.
The paper should be organized around the Social-Ecological Model and a Public Healthframework
The paper is to be written in APA format (7th Edition) with the following requirements:o 1 margins
o A properly formatted title page
o page numbers
o Times Roman 12 pt. font with double spacingProper use of level headings to guide yourself while writing and to guide the reader through your work. At a minimum you must use level I headings for the major portions. Research is a necessity for this assignment. You must use at least five (5) scholarly resources. If you are unclear as to what is a scholarly source, please see your instructor. You should use in-text citations for information from external sources, and an APA formatted reference page. - Grading: Your paper will be assessed with the following general criteria (a more complete rubric will be shared in the future): Writing mechanics and use of APA formatting and style = 25%
Introduction and conclusion = 10%
Cultural group framing, including the origin, history, and membership characteristics =20%
Identification and description of a specific disparity, including data to describe thedisparity. If saying there is no data to support the disparity that you have identifiedprovide a clear description of why, including data to support your assertion = 25%
Identification and description of a current public health or other initiative that address thedisparity = 20%
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