San Jose State University Contributions of August Wilson to Theater Paper
Question Description
TOPIC August Wilson
Make sure there is a thesis and its clear!
You will turn in a 6-7-page paper following the MLA style format with 12- point font, double-spaced. This is approximately 1500 2000 words (include word count on your paper). Papers will be turned in on Canvas. There will be overlaps of information between the paper you present and the presentation you give. The paper is an opportunity to dive deeper into your topic.
Address the following questions as they apply to your topic:
- How/Why is this person important in theatre history? How has their work changed, enhanced or influenced the theatre?
- Provide biographical details, but dont turn this into a biography report, focus on the work and how their background(s) has shaped that work:
- Consider and discuss the historical contexts (political, philosophical, etc.) of the artists life and work;
- the theatrical traditions they honed, altered, shifted or created;
- and their theatrical legacy (how are they viewed today).
- Using the work as evidence: You must study at least one work in DETAIL. Example, if you are focusing on Molière, you need to read one of his plays (Tartuffe or The Misanthrope). Make sure you are critically examining why it is important work and not just summarizing the plot or production. If you are researching an actor or designer, the same applies. Examine one of the roles/productions that best shows their craft and contribution to the art form. Example, if you are doing Lawrence Olivier, you would focus on his Shakespeare work, particularly his Henry V or Hamlet.
This is a research paper.
Citations are a must. MLA format. No exceptions. Include a citation page following MLA format. This is an additional page and does NOT count towards the page/word count requirement. This is a research paper therefore you must list the works you cite. It is expected that you will have at least three critical works/ articles/ essays in addition to the artists work. If you have questions about the validity of a source (particularly a web source) please check with me.
- Your paper must have a thesis statement that you will investigate throughout the paper. Use quotes to support your arguments and statements.
- The first section of the paper is the introduction. Present your thesis and what you plan to investigate.
- The body: The next several sections are where you present the research that supports your thesis statement. This is where you provide the artist’s background. This is where you will discuss not less than two and no more than four productions/ plays/designs that exemplify the artist’s work. When talking about their work, make sure you are critically examining whyit is important not just summarizing the production.
- The conclusion sums up what you have deduced based on the critical research you have conducted.
- Some tips: Do not use first person. Avoid repeating yourself. SPELL CHECK and GRAMMAR CHECK your paper. Dont use quotes in your opening paragraph or use them without explanation. Make sure your paper has a flow. Avoid generalizations and blanket statements.
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