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San Diego State University Technology in Teaching and Learning Processes Essay

Question Description

My Major is Civil engineering

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For Paper Four, you will explore argument in your own professional field. Within any profession there are issues that are actively debated and discussed and having the ability to take part in that professional debate, in an intelligent and knowledgeable way, is important to your professional success.

For this essay you will take an issue on which people in your profession actively disagree and take a clear position on that issue. You will support your position with reasons, and you will support your reasons with evidence. Your audience for this paper will be others in your professional field as well as the general public. Terms commonly used inside the profession that may be new to a general audience will need to be explained. You are the author of this paper, so the arguments you present will be your own (without using “I” or referring to yourself), and sources will be used only to provide the facts, statistics, expert opinion or examples needed to support your own arguments. You will need to introduce and comment on source material throughout the paper, since the reader will need to understand how and why source material helps prove your individual reasons and your overall thesis. You may also use the arguments that contradict your position in order to refute them or qualify your own reasons/arguments. You will need to rely on the Purdue Owl website and my MLA lecture and handouts under “MLA Citation Information” to put your essay into MLA format.

For this four week course, I am not asking for the normal seven to ten page research paper. Instead of presenting multiple argument to prove your point,, I want you to present one, well-developed argument to prove your point. It will run four or more pages in lenth, not counting the Works Cited page. You will have a minimum of three sources, with at least two of those sources being from books, professional journals, magazines or newspapers (you can use e-books and articles from online databases like Proquest, Academic Universe, Ebscohost, etc. You may use internet and other types of non-print sources as long as they are credible and current, but only in addition to the two required sources from books, or journals, magazines or newspapers. If possible, get your articles from the databases in the ISU library. These articles are peer reviewed and available through the Cunningham Memorial Library website. You can search the databases and find articles through the library main page.

Structurally, you will have an introduction that eases the reader into the issue and explains the general controversy before narrowing down on one clear position that the paper will prove. You cannot use “I” or refer to yourself in any way. You should not refer to the paper as a paper (“In this essay I will prove”). The reader understands that everything that isn’t cited is you speaking, so there is no reason to use “I” or “me” in a research paper. You want a clear thesis statement that takes a clear position on the issue. “Nurses in the United States should not be required to work long long shifts of twelve or more hours as it seriously reduces the quality and safety of nursing care” or “Mechanical Engineers should never compromise the quality and safety of their designs to satisfy an employers desire to cut costs.” These are clear statements of a position that the rest of the paper will prove.

You will then write roughly three pages presenting your argument to the reader and the attempting to prove it with your own arguments and analysis supported by evidence in the form of source material. That source material may come in the form of facts, statistics, expert opinion, or examples taking from sources. Remember that you are the author and must state your own argument in your own words before jumping into source material. The sources back up and prove your argument, but you state your argument and comment on and evaluate the evidence from sources. Remember to clearly identify where sources begin and end with introductory phrases and MLA in-text citations. “According to William Smith in Hollywood and the Lost Art of Slapstick, “Great artists like Chaplin, Keaton, Lloyd and many others established the rules of slapstick for world audiences through their creativity and innovation” (343). The reader needs to know when you stop speaking and the source begins speaking.

You will have a conclusion that sums up your argument and confidently states that the position you’ve taken is correct. While a conclusion is usually just a restating of the thesis and review of the argument, you can use certain strategies to make your conclusion more effective. If appropriate, you can speculate what negative things might happen if what you argue for does not happen. “Unless the fashion and design industry makes important changes to where and how they buy their materials, in just a few years those materials may vanish forever.” You can also comment on great things that may come if what you suggest happens. “If nurses are allowed to work standard eight hour shifts, the quality of health care and the quality of professional nurses will increase dramatically.”

Finally, you will have an MLA Works Cited page that will list the sources used in the paper. I will go over MLA format for Works Cited and In-text citations soon.

This essay will go through at least one significant draft with peer editing before the final draft is due on the day of the final.

Sample Argument for Research Paperthis is just an example

Argument Example: (Opening, Source Paragraphs and Closing Statement)

First, I have put source material in bold in this example, but you do not put source material in bold in your actual research paper. I only do it here to make it clear how much of your paragraphs are contributions from you and how much are actual material from sources.

Source paragraphs combine your comments, analysis and evaluation with paraphrases, summaries or quotations from your sources to provide evidence that supports your arguments (reasons). Below I have provided the argument (reason) written by the author (you), the source paragraphs providing the evidence supporting that argument and the closing statement ending this argument. I’ve included the thesis so you can understand the argument better, and I’ve put the source information in bold just so you can see the amount of material from sources and the amount from the author (you).

Thesis: The war in Iraq was unjustified because there were no weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein was not involved in the 9/11 attacks and sanctions were not given time to work.

One reason why the U.S. attack on Iraq was unjustified and improper is that the claims that the United States made as reasons for going to war were proven to be false and based on poor information. The chief reason offered for going to war was that Saddam Hussein’s government was developing weapons of mass destruction that would be threat to the United States, the Middle East, including Israel and the world. The primary weapon that was claimed to be in Saddam’s possession was a nuclear weapons program. Once the war began, a hunt for “WMDs” was started, but none were ever found. Without WMDs, the primary reason offered by the Bush administration for the war on Iraq, the war was unjustified and wrong.

(There would be a couple more paragraphs here establishing the claim of weapons of mass destruction)

After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, an extensive search was begun for weapons of mass destruction throughout Iraq, but to the Bush administration’s growing embarrassment, none could be found. According to the Associated Press, Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, produced a CIA final 92 page report in April 2005 that concluded that after eighteen months of debriefing WMD detainees in Iraq and an extensive investigation that occupied over 1,000 military and civilian translators, weapons specialists and other experts there had been no discovery of any weapons of mass destruction and that the CIA had exhausted every possible avenue for further investigation. According to the CIA, there simply were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (“CIA’s Final Report”). With the presence of weapons of mass destruction proven conclusively to be false, all eyes turned to those who had guaranteed the United States government that the weapons were there.

The United States based its information on WMDs on questionable sources who lied and who were unreliable. Douglas Stanglin in USA TODAY reported that Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, code-named “Curveball” admitted “that he made up the stories of mobile bio-weapons trucks and clandestine factories in an effort to bring down the Saddam Hussein regime” (A1). In the article, Stanglin quotes al-Janabi as saying, “They gave me this chance. I had the chance to fabricate something to topple the regime. I and my sons are proud of that, and we are proud that we were the reason to give Iraq the margin of democracy” (A2). Clearly, the Bush administration based its decision to go to war with Iraq on false information given to them by a politically-motivated and biased source of information. Many lives, American and Iraqi, have been lost or destroyed based on nothing more than lies and deception.

President Bush was later forced to admit that there had been no WMDs in Iraq. In a speech from the Oval Office on December 18, 2005, Bush stated, “It is true that Saddam Hussein had a history of pursuing and using weapons of mass destruction. It is true that he systematically concealed those programs, and blocked the work of U.N. weapons inspectors. It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. And as your president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq” (“Bush View” ). With this admission, even Bush’s most passionate supporters would have to accept that WMDs were not found and were not present when the decision for war was made. The centerpiece of the President’s justification for war with Iraq was unfounded.

Clearly the evidence shows that the prime justification the United States gave for the attack on Iraq simply did not exist. The war was not justified and should never have happened.

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