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Ramapo College of New Jersey Pyhton Coding Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a python exercise and need support to help me understand better.

Everything is explained below. please make sure that everything is well done and answer’s the professor’s requirements. Thank you


The aim of this take-home exam is to practice decision making (conditional if statements), sequences, and methods. The use of if statements and string methods are due to the nature of the problem; that is, you cannot finish this take-home exam without using them.


In distance learning, a university added Satisfactory(S)/Unsatisfactory(U) options to their grading system and asked you to write a Python program that takes the following three (3) information as inputs, regarding a particular student:

  1. Names of the courses that were taken by the student in the previous semester(s), together with their corresponding letter grades, in a predetermined format
  2. Names of the courses that are being taken by the same student in the current semester, together with their corresponding letter grades, in a predetermined format
  3. Name of the course, for which the grade will be checked

By using the course name given by the student and the letter grade information, your program then should calculate if the student will be able to choose between S and the letter grade, or if the student’s grade will be U or F.

Originally, letter grade options for courses are; A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F, where F is the failing grade. However, the university wanted to give their students the option to prevent their GPAs from being affected in a negative way due to the pandemic conditions by choosing the Satisfactory(S) option if they manage to get a passing grade; in other words, a grade other than F.

Students can take a course multiple times. In this respect, the letter grade options that the students will receive differ according to both the previous grade and the current grade of a particular course. Please follow the items listed below, or the flowchart given on the next page, for further details.

  • If the current grade of a course is something other than F, students can keep their letter grade or they can choose the S grade.
  • If the current grade of a course is F, and
    • if the student is taking this course for the first time, then the student’s final grade will be U, or
    • if the student has taken this course before, then your program should check the previous course grade of this student.
      • If the previous grade is U, then the student’s final grade should remain as U.
      • Otherwise, the student’s final grade will be F.

Inputs, Input Checks

The inputs of the program and their order are explained below. It is extremely important to follow this order with the same characters since we automatically process your programs. Thus, your work will be graded as 0 unless the order is entirely correct. Please see the “Sample Runs” section for some examples.

The prompts of the input statements to be used have to be exactly the same as the prompts of the “Sample Runs”.

Here is the detailed information on the inputs and the input checks:

  • Courses that were taken in the previous semester(s) – previous courses list
    i.e. “MATH101:A-;SPS101:b;IF100:B+;HIST191:s”
  • Courses that are being taken in the current semester – current courses list
    i.e. “MATH102:a-;SPS102:B;CS201:b+;HIST192:a”
    • Rules and details are the same as above.
    • Again, you may check Sample Runs for better understanding.
  • Course name to be searched – course name
    • To calculate the final grade or grade options, the student should be currently enrolled in the course given as coursename. Thus, your program should initially check if coursename exists in the current course list. If not, the program should print an appropriate error message and terminate.
    • If coursename exists in the current course list, then your program should continue as explained in the description part. You may check the flowchart above for a better understanding.
    • You may assume that all course names will consist only of capital letters and numeric code in string format.


If the user enters an invalid input, then your program should display an error message saying “Invalid input”, and if the coursename does not exist in the current course list, then your program should display an error message saying “You didn’t take coursename this semester.” In any erroneous case, your program should terminate after displaying the message and without taking any further inputs or without displaying any other results.

If the student’s grade to be displayed is F or U, then the format of the output will be “Your grade for coursename is F.” or “Your grade for coursename is U.”.

If the student’s current grade is anything other than F, then the format of the output will be “You can choose between S and current_grade for coursename.”.

You may check the “Sample Runs” section given below for some examples.

Sample Runs

Below, we provide some sample runs of the program that you will develop. The italic and bold phrases are inputs taken from the user. You have to display the required information in the same order and with the same words and characters as below.

Sample Run 1

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:a;SPS101:B;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:f;;CS210:S

Invalid input

Sample Run 2

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:B;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:F;CS210:S:

Invalid input

Sample Run 3

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:B;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:F;CS210:S

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: CS210:F;CS206:F;MATH203:C;HIST191:F;CS204::F

Invalid input

Sample Run 4

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:B;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:F;CS210:S

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: CS210:F;;CS206:F;MATH203:C;HIST191:F;CS204:F

Invalid input

Sample Run 5

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH203:C;HIST192:A;CS201:A-;CS210:C

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: MATH203:C;HIST192:A;CS201:A-;CS210:C

Please enter the course you want to check: CS408

You didn’t take CS408 this semester.

Sample Run 6

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:a;SPS101:B;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:F;CS210:c-

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: CS210:a-;CS206:F;MATH203:a;HIST191:F;CS204:f

Please enter the course you want to check: CS204

Your grade for CS204 is F.

Sample Run 7

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:b;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:F;CS210:u

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: CS210:F;CS306:b+;MATH203:C;HIST192:F;CS204:b

Please enter the course you want to check: CS210

Your grade for CS210 is U.

Sample Run 8

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:B;CS201:b+;HIST191:D;CS204:F;CS210:A-

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: CS306:F;MATH203:C;HIST192:c-;CS201:F

Please enter the course you want to check: CS201

Your grade for CS201 is F.

Sample Run 9

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:a;CS201:B+;HIST191:D;CS204:B-;CS210:b+

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: CS306:F;MATH203:C;HIST192:A;CS201:A-

Please enter the course you want to check: CS306

Your grade for CS306 is U.

Sample Run 10

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:B;CS201:b+;HIST191:D;CS204:B-;CS210:a-

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: MATH203:d+;HIST192:A;CS201:A-;CS210:c-

Please enter the course you want to check: CS210

You can choose between S and C- for CS210.

Sample Run 11

Please enter the courses you have taken previously with letter grades: MATH101:A;SPS101:F;CS201:b+;HIST191:D;CS204:B-;CS210:a-

Please enter the courses you have taken this semester with letter grades: SPS101:A;MATH203:d+;HIST192:A;CS201:A-;CS210:c-;PS101:F

Please enter the course you want to check: PS101

Your grade for PS101 is U.

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