PU Facilitation based on LGBT Steps for Facilitating Focus Groups Discussion
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Facilitation based on LGBT
Steps for Facilitating Focus Groups
Just go straight to the point like start with Acknowledging through Reflecting. Read each part and answer it.
Acknowledging helping people see things they may not see about their values or needs. ( brief story and origin of LGBT)
Example: It sounds like this group cares deeply about team spirit and making a meaningful contribution.
Asking Empowering Questions asking open-ended questions to evoke clarity, insight, and action. Example: What is next? What is important about this? What stands out about the group process?
Brainstorming generating ideas, expanding new possibilities, or developing strategies.
Example: Lets come up with all the ways you can have fun while getting the results you want.
Clarifying articulating what the group needs and values. More than repeating what has been said, clarifying speaks to the deeper message or implication in the words. Clarifying can include articulating, reframing, and asking empowering questions.
Example: Im hearing that members of the group want both autonomy and a sense of community, and youre looking for ways to have both?
Creating Trust developing safe space, including the five elements of trust: reliability, acceptance, openness, straightforwardness, and caring. When we consistently do what we say, accept others without judgment, openly give and receive feedback, speak our truth, and show we care, we build trust.
Example: Standing on a continuum, on a scale of one to ten, how much trust are you experiencing in the group right now? Whats one request you can make to build trust?
Discovering the Wisdom creating opportunities for the group to explore and discover, or share insights, regrets, and celebration.
Example: It sounds like the group learned a lot from the experience. What pearls of wisdom stand out?
Embracing Polarities naming needs that appear to be in conflict and holding them precious without making one side more important than the other.
Example: So group members want freedom and security. How can you have both? You may ask the group to first step into the experience of freedom and then into the experience of security and notice the difference in each place.
Establishing Accountability creating structures to verify the action plan is on track or to remind people to actively live their values, vision, or goals.
Example: What will you do? When will you do it? How will you hold yourselves accountable?
Focusing paying attention to the groups desires and what matters most.
Example: Lets go back to the relationships between group members. What is emerging right now?.
Identifying Groups Agenda listening for what matters to the client, both in the big picture and in the moment.
Example: The purpose of our meetings is to establish a long-term strategic plan, and right now two people have expressed a desire to clarify the outcomes of todays meeting.
Co-creating Metaphors using images, stories and pictures serves to deepen the clients learning and reflect the essence of the situation.
Exploring the Metaview helping the group see the big picture or birds-eye view of a situation in order to move out of tunnel vision. You can take your client to the metaview in either space or time.
Example: Imagine you are flying above this situation, like a hawk, and can see the whole system. What do you see?
Offering an Inquiry asking a reflective question that helps the group explore new learning and insights more deeply. Inquiries are empowering questions that help people look deeper over time. An inquiry focuses on learning and awareness, not action.
Example: How do your relationships impact the quality of the work?
Reflecting mirroring back what the group members have said, sometimes verbatim and sometimes with fewer words. To move the group toward deeper wisdom, the coach fully receives what each person says and reflects back not just the words, but the energy. Reflecting often creates an energetic shift in the client.
Step 1. Write down your goals
Before you can start gathering participants, its important to understand why youre organizing the focus group. What are you hoping to find out?
Are you trying to establish a cultural view or idea? Do you want how people from different culture view the LGBT as particular group? Do you wish to understand how government can provide a better service to existing LGBT? (such legal right for adoption, and any other privilege)
Setting clear goals in the beginning will provide you with a roadmap for planning your focus group.
Step 2. Define your target audience
Now your goals have been set you will have a clearer idea about who you need to invite to participate. Demographics to consider include gender, age range, ethnicity, sexual orientation, postcode, religion, relationship and family status, education level, professional status/income level and hobbies/interests.
Step 3. Design the questions
The purpose of a focus group is to stimulate rich conversation, so it is important to ensure questions are opened-ended, with no particular answer implied. Starting questions with how or why or what is a good way to get participants talking. An example might be (Design 10 to 15 questions)
The idea is that the participants cannot answer with a single yes or no, although this might be useful on occasion; for example, do you always buy the same brand of washing powder?
Each question should be followed up with a probe, eliciting more information, such as why is that important to you?
Questions should be clearly worded, to the point and ask only one thing. For example,
Step 4. Moderate the group
Ideally, the focus group is conducted by a team consisting of a moderator and an assistant moderator. (in each Step put some pictures that reflect subject or Boulet point you are discussing)
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