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Ohio State University Language Learning as Important Aspect of Life Autobiography

Question Description

As human beings, we all have the experience of acquiring a language. Some of us may have the privilege of learning another language (or more languages) in addition to our first language. As language users and potentially language teachers, our own language learning experiences have a huge impact on our beliefs and practices of language teaching. To reflect on and make sense of your language learning experience, you will finish a language learning autobiography. A language learning autobiography is a combination of reflections on your prior language learning experiences, a critical analysis of those experiences, and a discussion of implications of those experiences on your beliefs and practices as a language learner, user, and teacher.

In the autobiography, you will first share memories of how you learned your first/only language and second/foreign language (if applicable). Those memories may be based on experiences with your families and friends, about traveling/studying abroad, or formal/informal classroom language experiences. You will then draw on theories and concepts of first and second language acquisition to analyze and further your understandings of your experiences. In addition, you will discuss how your experiences have influenced your beliefs and practices about language learning and teaching. Use the following questions as prompts for writing:

  • How many language(s) do you speak?
  • What language(s) did you speak at home as a child?
  • If you have learned a language other than your first language, when did you learn it? What level of proficiency did you achieve?
  • How were your first language and second language learning experiences similar and different?
  • How did your first and second language learning experiences influence each other? What SLA theories can explain the influence?
  • Did you want to learn the second language? What was your motivation? Did it change? Why?
  • If you learned a second language through instruction, what teaching/learning methods were used? Was it a positive learning experience? What SLA theories could you relate to?
  • Has your language learning experience been positive in general? Do you consider yourself a “good” language learner? Why or why not?
  • How did your language learning and identity development influence each other?

Please note that those questions are to inspire you for ideas, not assessment questions for you to answer one by one. Your autobiography should tell a coherent story and be in the format of an essay, not Q&A. Also, do not feel obligated to answer all the questions. Any relevant analysis and reflections are welcomed.

The language learning autobiography should be at least three pages and no more than five pages (12-point font, double-spaced). A bibliography is required even if you only cite course readings. Please refer to the APA formatting and style guide (Links to an external site.) for the formatting of in-text citations and the reference list. The deadline for submission is11 /8 by midnight.

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