Moraine Valley Community College Mod 1 Strategic Compensation Perspective Discussion

Question Description

Strategic compensation is thought of by HR and Compensationprofessionals as a way to increase the organizations goal of attractingand hiring the best employees. A successful compensation plan hasthree main functions, which are: to attract employees to anorganization, reduce employee turnover and create high levels ofefficacies in the organization.

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Read the case study and in a 2-3-page paper and answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel the strategic compensation procedures discussedin this case study are a competitive advantage for theorganization? Why or why not?
  • What do you think could enhance the continuous improvement pay plan (CIPP) decisions discussed in this case study?
  • What do you perceive the strategic benefits associated withusing team-based, rather than an individual based, incentive planat John Deere?
  • Include a citation of the case study and any other references you may have used for this assignment.

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