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MGMT 601 University Canada West Decision Making in Leadership Discussion

Question Description

Assume that your boss (real or imagined) has asked you to prepare a formal business report on Decision Making in Leadership which will be shared at the next executive meeting. In this report they want to see well documented information on the ways decision making affects leadership in the 21st century. Your report should include evaluation of some frameworks and models of decision making and a justified choice of the model/approach you recommend for your company. Assess benefits and limitations of the model chosen, explain how it influences leadership effectiveness, providing relevant examples from business or political settings. Your recommendations should be based on specific challenges your company face and clearly demonstrate how the chosen model of decision making will help address them successfully.


  • Write the paper using APA style with 3 to 5 citations form peer-reviewed journals in addition to the textbook, including several peer reviewed references.All sources must have: authors, publication dates, and publishers. “Anonymous” authors, undated sources will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted.
  • The paper should be at least 2500 words (10 pages), should follow a formal business report format including an introduction, main body, conclusion and recommendations, and must exhibit good writing, research, and analytical skills.
  • Report should be written in the formal style; avoid using personal pronouns and sharing personal experience for this assignment; avoid/limit usage of charts, diagrams and other visual components, instead concentrate on making your ideas coherent, relevant and convincing.
    • Criteria
      Report Introduction? Stated purpose & objectives of report(clear and logical)? Provided background detail/identifiedproblems? Clarified any limitations of report
      Main decision makingmodels ? Discussed several models outlined above? Chose one model as the best and providedsolid reasons for the choice ? Outlined key components of the chosenmodel? Discussed each supporting point thoroughlyand clearly? Supported assertions with research
      Explanationof how chosen model islinked to leadership effectiveness? Gave situational analysis of model use?Explainedhow model is linked to leadership effectiveness?Gavereal-life example of connection?Supportedassertions with research?Tiedmodel components, examples & research together
      Report Conclusion andRecommendations? Addressed purpose & objectives ofreport? Provided a response to eachproblem identified Each recommendation was:? action-oriented, concise and clearlywritten? realistic and feasible ? supported by research
      Integrationof concepts from the textbook/other sources?Usedmultiple sources in each section?Usedsources to support personal thought/opinion/idea?Citedsources match concepts discussed?Balanced personal thought/opinion/idea and research
      Professionalismof the documentGrammar, formatting, lengthPaper had all required componentsReferences were accurate and were allused in the report

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