Howard Community College Why I as a Black Man Attend KKK Rallies Speech Essay
Question Description
Writing Prompt: Rhetorical Situation and Response Paper
This semester, we have learned:
- How to read, annotate, and summarize a text
- How to write a multi-paragraph essay
- The rhetorical situation
You will use all of these skills to write a summary/response essay
TOPIC: The TED Talk- Why I, as a Black Man, Attend KKK Rallies
You have read, watched, and discussed Why I, as a Black Man, Attend KKK Rallies. Your topic will be the rhetorical situation of this speech. Specifically, the author, his purpose, and his setting.
AUDIENCE and PURPOSE: Describe and Respond
Your purpose for writing this paper is to describe the rhetorical situation of this speech. Your audience is me, your instructor. This paper gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the rhetorical situation as well as practice the writing process.
A passing paper MUST have the following:
- a Suitable Title
- A Summary
- of the article and its main points
- an identified author and title of the work
- Authors thesis
- a clearly stated thesis that indicates a rhetorical situation.
- 3 Body Paragraphs
- identify and explain the rhetorical situation
- Author (credibility, authority, credentials)
- Purpose (why is the author writing/ presenting)
- Setting (culture and context)
- Text (form of communication)
- Audience (who the author is addressing)
- identify and explain the rhetorical situation
You must discuss the author and 2 other elements of the rhetorical situation.
- support your thesis by developing relevant main points with evidence
- concrete examples, paraphrases, quotes from the article
- Response Paragraph
- Describe your point of view
- What were your thoughts before you watched the video
- What were your thoughts after you watched the video
- Grammar/ Organization
- appropriate transitional words and phrases linking the ideas expressed in your sentences and paragraphs
- Complex sentence
- Appropriate grammar usage
- MLA format
- Work-cited (the article you chose)
- At least 2 pages double spaced
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