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HHS 320 Ashford University Week 5 Ethical and Legal Considerations Discussion

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Ethical and Legal Considerations

In 250-300 words, discuss two- to- three ethical challenges you might experience when working with culturally diverse groups. How would you solve them in a sensitive and appropriate manner? Support your response with two sources and respond to at least two of your classmates.

************************************Please respond to 2 classmates 250 words each*****************************************************

Classmate #1

Julian Gibbs

Week 5 Discussion 2

Hello Class, hope everyone is well.

I would say an ethical challenge when dealing in the work place would be age. In most cooperation you find people in the range of 40 and over classified a Generation X, while other people 24 and your older will be classified as Generation Z. Most Fortune 500 companies believe a mixture of ages enhanced work performances. This mixture of ages also improves decision making with equal insight. Most Fortune 500 companies gain from younger people is new innovations and style they bring to the work place. It’s been proven the most diverse organizations are those are willing to accept innovation. Unfortunately in my opinion in most instances there will always by a stigma that younger people are more tech understanding, whereas middle age people like myself may be opposed to the trends of today. Diversity policy with organization goals like with retention hiring within all diverse groups.

Another ethical challenge would be hiring people who fall under the American Disability Act better known as ADA. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and most of all public and private places excesses that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities I would try solve this in a sensitive and appropriate manner by developing more job availability for people under these limitations. A good example would be the United States Postal Service.

References: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Classmate #2

Some challenges that I have experienced in my working environment have been the certain people’s acceptance and respect towards other co-workers, or should I say lack of. We have a transgender woman that is working in our department and I could not believe the way that one of our co-workers were treating her. She wanted to be called by the name she identified with and everybody in work was very respectful towards her except one person who refused to call her by that name. He said it was not her legal name and he would not do it and no matter how many times she asked he continued to call her by her old name and also refer to her as him. I as her supervisor had to go to human resources and ask that they speak to the employee and reeducate him on diversity. He now realizes that he must be compliant and act properly towards the woman, and he had to be totally reeducated and retake the cultural and diversity competent classes over again. “Cultural competence incorporates all of the strategies and practices needed to work effectively with patients from diverse groups based on an understanding of their belief , values and social milieu”(Dreachslin, J. L., Gilbert, M. J., & Malone, B.,2013). I felt I solved this problem by addressing it and speaking to the appropriate people that could help with a solution because I was not getting this man to change his attitude by speaking to him.

Another issue that has occurred in work is people not understanding other peoples beliefs. One of my co-workers offended another saying that it was stupid that they didn’t eat pork and that he was going to make sure that it was what he brought in regularly to eat. The worker was trying to be funny and some of the younger people laughed and said they were not offended but the older gentleman we work with really was bothered by his behavior. I politely and privately explained to this worker that he must be mindful of how he talks and realize he is in a work environment and his words can be offensive even if he was joking. In order to promote diversity we must include everyone and be respectful at all times. “The primary categories utilized in diversity are race, class, and gender. These categories can be, and are often, extended. Other categories can include age, physical abilities (ableism), religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity”(Casteel. P.D.,2019).

Casteel, P. D. (2019). Diversity in the Workplace (Sociology). Salem Press Encyclopedia.

Dreachslin, J. L., Gilbert, M. J., & Malone, B. (2013). Diversity and cultural competence in health care. [electronic resource]?: a systems approach (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass.

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