Glendale Community College Observation 4 Adolescence Paper
Question Description
Observation #4: ADOLESCENCE
A. This last required observation is focused on Adolescents (ages 12 – 18). Due to the pandemic, creativity has become the norm. Excellent sites for an observation would be a junior or senior high school classroom (if available). Other possibilities could be virtual classes, teen programs in places of worship, YMCA/YWCA, school clubs etc.. The follow-up is prepared as in observations 1, 2, and 3. There is a Cover Sheet, Running Record, and the required 5 paragraph essay. The essay includes: an Introduction, a paragraph on the Physical Development and Health of the Adolescent, a paragraph on Cognition, a paragraph on Social and Emotional Development of the adolescent ages. There is a final paragraph, the Conclusion.
The forms for the RUNNING RECORD and FORMAT for the required 5 paragraph ESSAY follows this screen.
B. Should it be impossible for CHLDV 135 students to be welcome at a site where teens between the ages of 12 and 18 are in attendance, there is an alternative assignment that could fulfill Observation #4. It is an INTERVIEW!
In this assignment, “2” adolescents are interviewed, each for a 30 minute time frame. The teens must be interviewed at different times! Prior to the interview, the CHLDV 135 student is to consider questions to ask the teens that would enable him/her to understand these ages better. The questions take the place of the Running Record, and they can “make or break” this assignment! There are to be 12 questions, “4” for each Developmental Domain. The essay documents what you have learned from the interview re each of the domains in the teen years: When this assignment is chosen, there will be “3” papers: Cover Sheet; List of 12 Questions; 5 paragraph essay containing: Introduction, Physical Development and Health in Adolescence, Cognitive Development, Social and Emotional Development of the ages, and a Conclusion.
The Running Record keeps track of everything that happens in a specified time period” (Essa, 2007). “Its purpose lies in the fact that a well written Running Record lets someone else read the description later and visualize the scene or events as it is recorded” (Carter, 2009).
When students of child development are given the opportunity to observe children in person, they become able to contrast data learned through readings and media presentations with the actual experience of seeing behaviors and hearing interactions. It is the very best way to develop an understanding of the developmental stages of children.
When performing an observation, it is recommended that 1/2 of the allotted time be used to observe several children of similar age interacting in the environment. This can be followed by a second time frame where “1” child is selected to be observed.
When taking notes for a running record, an observer’s attention is focused only on several children of similar age; or on one child. It might be necessary to reposition oneself in order to see and hear everything. Record in sequence all activity observed, as well as quotations of speech heard. It is recommended that students recall the importance of gathering data on each of the developmental domains: Physical Development, Cognitive Development, and Social and Emotional Development. To complete each observation requirement, an essay follows the Running Record, and is composed of a paragraph on each developmental domain. It is requested that only objective statements be used. In future child development courses, students may be required to interpret behaviors, and this might lend itself to subjective statements. An objective statement contains only what was seen and heard.
INTRODUCTION: This paragraph describes the observation site. It must include the date, address, and time of visit. Descriptive data on the children in attendance, as well as the inside and outside of the site must be included.
DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE DETAIL: An important part of the Observation follow-up is the Running Record (see previous screen). To prepare for writing this, review the Observation assignment. It is positive to include time segments, and then the actions seen and the vocalizations heard. The rationale behind this assignment is for students to become familiar with age related characteristics of children at different stages of their development! In the Running Record, be careful to write ONLY what you see and hear. There are to be no interpretations of behaviors/actions!
DEVELOPMENTAL DOMAINS: Create 3 paragraphs in this portion of your paper. There is one paragraph for Physical Development; another paragraph for Cognitive Development; and the third paragraph for Social and Emotional Development. Within each paragraph, the characteristics that you observed and described in the Running Record are contained in the appropriate domain.
CONCLUSION: This paragraph is an evaluation of the Observation. It must include the ways in which the experience contributed to a better understanding of children in a stage of growth and development. An evaluation of your personal experience is an important addition to the value of this paper.
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