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Florida International University Establishing a Safety System Discussion

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#1 Yulier Rodriguez Medina

Discussion Board Week #12

How would you manage the bully on a healthcare team given the person who is bullying another team member has the most expert knowledge of the financial side of the institution and is highly regarded by the chief financial officer?

The term bullying, when applied to the workplace, has been used interchangeably with words such as incivility, disruptive behavior and mobbing. However, most of the research and legislation dealing with this issue have used the term bullying to refer to repeated, persistent and deliberate behaviors intended to control or harm the target. (Hickson GB, 2016) It is really common that due to the high performance in a position or according to the intellectual capacity of some people they unconsciously take advantage of these positive characteristics to exert strength, pressure and even attacks against the psychological integrity of companions within their working circle.

A person with high standards in their job performance, such as the financial ace of a company or organization, usually has the executive backing of their superiors. But in no circumstances bullying would be an admitted conduct in health care. Workplace bullying (also referred to as lateral or horizontal violence) is repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators. Bullying is abusive conduct that takes over any of the team members and for Joint Commission there is no place for it in Health Care. (Topa G, 2017)

(Hogh a., hoel h. & carneiro i.g. (2017) In the 2013 Joint Commission publication, “Improving Patient and Worker Safety,” civility is described as a necessary precursor for a safety culture in which care teams and patients must be treated with respect. As a manager in my workplace I would definitely implement the principle that civility matters, which means behaviors that undermine a culture of safety are not tolerated. W. Edwards Deming stated that “quality is everyone’s responsibility.” Leaders especially have a critical role in battling bullying behaviors, including:

.-Establishing a safety system and culture that does not tolerate bullying behaviors. Make this a core value of all leaders in the organization.

.-Confronting bullies and supporting the targets of bullying.

In the scientific literature, several types of bullying have been studied: intimidation, harassment, victimization, aggression, emotional abuse, and psychological harassment or mistreatment at workplace, among others. (Margaret Hodgins,2020) Bullying does not include illegal harassment and discrimination, and while bullying can create a hostile work environment, it is not the same as the organization allowing an illegal hostile work environment (for example, the employer tolerating inappropriate jokes). Other examples that are not bullying include setting high work standards, having differences of opinion or providing constructive feedback.


Hickson GB, et al. Using coworker observations to promote accountability for disrespectful and unsafe behaviors by physicians and advanced practice professionals. The Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety, 2016;42:149-161

hogh a., hoel h. & carneiro i.g. (2017) Journal of Nursing Management19, 742–751

Bullying and employee turnover among healthcare workers: a three?wave prospective study

Margaret Hodgins, Sarah MacCurtain, Patricia Mannix McNamara, Power and inaction: why organizations fail to address workplace bullying, International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 10.1108/IJWHM-10-2019-0125, ahead-of-print, ahead-of-print, (2020).

Topa G, et al. Acoso laboral: Meta-analisis y modelo intergrador de sus antecedents y consecuencias. Psicotherma, 2017;19:88-94

#2 Yulier Rodriguez Medina

Discussion Board Week #12

Decision making is one of the most basic yet significant management skills for all of us to have. And it can differ from person to person. Making decisions that are based on careful analysis of numerous circumstances especially in a timely manner is critical. Therefore, it shouldn’t be procrastinated or taken in haste.

Making decisions can be hard, especially when the odds are not in your favor. But, by following the below well-structured process or steps in decision making, you will be able to make influential decisions. (ICSI Shared Decision-Making Model. 2016)

7 Steps of the Decision-Making Process

· Identify the decision.

· Gather relevant info.

· Identify the alternatives.

· Weigh the evidence.

· Choose among the alternatives.

· Take action.

· Review your decision.

Decision making is central to health policy and medical practice in my clinic. Because health outcomes are probabilistic, most decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty. This review considers decisions made by providers on behalf of patients, and the alternatives of these decisions between patients and providers. Considerable evidence suggests wide regional variation exists in services received by elderly patients. Evidence-based guidelines that incorporate quality of life and patient preferences may help address this problem. (O’Connor A., 2018)

Systematic cost-effectiveness analysis can be used to improve resource allocation decisions. Shared medical decision making seeks to engage patients and providers in a collaborative process to choose clinical options that reflect patient preferences. One example is when an elderly patient is referred to an oncology unit associated with Medicare services and their providers are allied to this chain of insurance services. Although some evidence indicates patients want an active role in making decisions, other evidence suggests that some patients prefer a passive role, whether claiming intervention from a Social Worker assistance or not. Deciding between cancer treatments or living in an (ALF) Assisted Living Facility. Decision aids hold promise for improving individual decisions, but there are still few systematic evaluations of these aids. Several directions for future research are offered among the management team and the direction of the Center.


ICSI Shared Decision-Making Model. The Collaborative Conversation™. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI). 2016.

O’Connor A., Stacey D., Jacobsen M. Improving practitioners’ decision support skills. Decision Support Tutorial. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. 2018

Quintino ND, Sabino EC; PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020 May 27;14(5):e0008144. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008144. eCollection 2020 May

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