Essay assignment and instructions
Question Description
Formatting and Instructions
- You must incorporate at least 3 relevant primary sources from Voices of Freedom. You can choose from any of the documents from VOF Chapters 1-7, not just the assigned ones. You will not be able to score a passing grade on the essay if you do not follow the primary source specification.
- Be sure to include historical specifics in your essay, referencing specific events and developments, which demonstrates your knowledge of the content. Gather this information from the course materials (lecture, videos, GML, and VOF). You DON’T need to do outside research, i.e. Googling.
- You should include quotes from the VOF documents in the essay to illustrate your analysis and the points you’re making. Try to quote just from the VOF documents themselves (not the introductions to the sources). You can also quote from those introductions or from the GML textbook, but keep them short (a phrase), and quote because you really need to use those particular words. Otherwise, paraphrase the content in your own words.
- When you upload your essay to this assignment page, it will get scanned by Turnitin. If you’re not sure about plagiarism, be sure to review the Academic Integritypage in the syllabus and watch the Plagiarism Videos that are part of the extra credit assignment. You can also ask me ahead of time. If Turnitin identifies copied material from other students, the readings, the Internet, or other sources, there will be point deductions.
- So what should you do? Use the course materials, but be sure to quote and cite any words not your own. You can use parenthetical references after the quote, (Foner, 22). If you have an e-book that doesn’t have page numbers, then put the location number or put the chapter, section, and sub-section. If you’re paraphrasing from the readings, be sure that you’re paraphrasing adequately and not just swapping out a few words or phrases. See the Plagiarism Videos for more guidance.
- You should write at least 3 pages for the essay, but no more than 5 pages. If you go over less than half a page, that’s ok, but I’ll deduct 10 points from any essay longer than that. Use Times New Roman 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing. Put a single spaced header in the top left corner with your name, my name, the class, and date on separate lines. Skip a space, put the title of your essay and center it. When double-spacing, you should indent your new paragraphs with one stroke of the “Tab” key, but you don’t need to add an extra line.
- Upload a Word, PDF, or Google Doc via Google Drive file to this assignment page on Canvas. Please do not copy and paste your response into the text box.
- Late policy: Please reach out to me if you are having trouble getting the assignment in on time! If I hear from you, then I can give you extra time. But if I don’t hear from you, then the late penalty is 5% per 24 hours.
Essay Prompt
Analyze the origins and development of indentured servitude and slavery in the British colonies of North America from 1607 to 1800. THEN, discuss how the American Revolutions ideals of freedom and equality affected both systems of unfree labor in the new nation.
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