East Los Angeles College Child Development and ABC Field Observation
Question Description
Field Observation # 2 (50 points)
In order to complete your field observation # 2, you will need to go back to observe THE SAME CHILD YOU OBSERVED IN OBSERVATION#1 (IF YOU ARE STILL ABLE TO. IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO go ahead and observe a new child over 1.5 years of age and under the age of 6 years old in ANY natural play setting) and write up three separate reports, using three different observation methods. You must do another narrative (20-30 minutes), an anecdotal record (about 10 minutes) and a checklist assessment (around 5 minutes).
Since we are still in Pandemic Safe Distance mode if you decide to visit a family member or friend outside of your home or “pandemic pod” you must take extra precautions of washing your hands and wearing a mask at all times. Please do not put yourself or others at risk for this assignment. I can give you an optional virtual video observation below if you do not have a live child to observe in your immediate household.
- Use your templates we have used in previous exercises as a reference for the guidelines on the specific observation methods you have chosen.
- Your observation should be a maximum of one hour to complete all three assessment tools so plan accordingly.
- Observations must be typed and in the required formats we have been using in this course.
- Refrain from asking teachers/parents questions about the child you are observing while the teachers are working. BE OBSERVANT!
- Please do not engage the children in conversation. Stay out of the way of the class activities. Sit quietly in an inconspicuous place during your visit.
- Thank your teachers/parent when you leave.
For this assignment you will go back to the site or classroom where you observed the child from Observation #1 (IF YOU ARE ABLE TO). You will observe that child for one hour. The first 20-30 minutes should be the Narrative. The next 10 minutes or so, you observe for an anecdote to record — remember an anecdote is “Something of note” or out of the ordinary or a new or different behavior you saw compared to the first time you observed the child. The anecdote should be short/brief, concise and only on ONE domain, written in the past tense since you technically would be writing this “after the fact.” For the last 5 minutes or so you should be able to quickly fill out your checklist (This is a checklist YOU CREATE BEFOREyou go out to observe the child) — make sure this checklist denotes behaviors that perhaps you did not capture the first time, the behaviors should be written broadly so you are likely to capture them at the time and place you go to observe (for this reason go back to your observation site — roughly around the same time you observed last time). The Checklist should include 3 domains with at least 4 behaviors under each domain, and should have rows and only one column with a Yes — place where you would mark off if the behavior occurred or not.
Field Observation # 2 Grading rubric for the three assessment tools
- Static descriptors recorded properly (name/time/date/environment) (3pt ea)____ /9pts
- Content of observation implemented correctly matching criteria to format 3 pt ea) _____ /9pts
- Narrative Observation: Descriptions in each domain are objective and detailed (3 pt / domain)_____ /9pts
- Anecdote: Objective data (4pts)_____/4pts
- Anecdote: Opportunities are specific and Developmentally Appropriate (4pts) _____ /4pts
- Checklist: Behaviors are objective, observable, broad, and appropriate for location (4pts)_____/4pts
- Interpretations logical and not written in body (3pts/tool) _____/6pts
- Fewer than five grammatical, spelling errors, typed using 12 font prints __ /5pts
FOR UP TO 10 PTS EXTRA CREDIT SELECT FROM ANOTHER TYPE OF ASSESSMENT TOOL WE HAVE COVERED IN THIS COURSE TO ASSESS THE CHILD! This is up to you which tool you use ABC Event, Frequency, Duration Record, and if you do a Time Sample capture at least 3 domains and at least 3 behaviors under each of these and at least 3 other children aside from the child of your main observations.
*Please remember that your findings from this assignment will be used for your Documentation Plan assignment.*
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A CHILD 1.5-6YEARS OF AGE TO OBSERVE IN YOUR HOME OR PANDEMIC POD you may go ahead and use the following videos of the child in the videos below. Focus on the child with the light blue polo and tan pants. Use the following videos in the order I indicate below for the different assessments:
For the Narrative Use this video:
For the Anecdote Use this video:
Anecdote should start at the 25 second mark when child leaves the slide.
For the Checklist Use this Video:
For the Checklist Use this Video
Here’s a very short video that can be used in addition of the Checklist video if you feel the other video was not enough:
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