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Cypress College Criminal Justice & Mediation in Solving Death Penalty Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a English writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Essay 3 Overview

In Just Mercy, we’ve been reading about the American criminal justice system, systemic racism, societal prejudice and stories of people of color navigating these. We will use this book as the basis or starting point for our next two major writing assignments. Essay 2 will focus on a problem while essay 3 will focus on arguing for a solution to that problem.

Purpose & Topic

The purpose of essay 3 is for you to explore in depth the solution or at least mitigation of the obstacle or problem that you wrote about in essay 2. The solution doesn’t need to be something mentioned in Just Mercy. You can get creative.

Your assignment is to write a 1,200-1,400 word essay that focuses on one mitigating or solving the problem/obstacle faced by people of color or people in poverty. In your essay, you need to do the following:

  1. Contextualize the solution (Start from our readings and a brief mention of the problem you’ve explained; show a the need for this solution ) Do not copy from essay 2. However, talk about the problem. This can be the hook/background for your introduction paragraph.
    • The thesis should focus on solution/naming the problem
      • Pattern 1: One solution only –> Thesis can name the specific solution
        • The problem of juvenile crime can be reduced by giving all children free daycare and preschool.
      • Pattern 2: Exploring 2 options/solutions–> Thesis can be more general or it can use language of possibility.
        • PROBLEM: *The problem of juvenile crime can be reduced by giving free daycare and preschool and teaching parents to discipline their children.* This thesis sounds like both solutions will be used, but our assignment is to argue for ONE solution.
        • General: The problem of juvenile crime needs an appropriate solution.
        • Possibility Language: There are two possible solutions to the problem of juvenile crime: free childcare or parenting classes.
  2. CHOOSE ONE PATTERN for the essay: Analyze ONE solution OR analyze TWO solutions
    • Organization for pattern 1: ONE solution (Note: thesis can name the specific solution & body paragraphs will analyze that one solution/argue for that one solution.)
      • Define the solution in detail:
        • what does it look like?
          • This can include cost, time, resources, etc.
        • who’s involved?
      • Include opposition to the solution and refutation of the opposition
        • what objections might some have?
        • how do you counter those objections? (explain why the objection isn’t important, why it’s wrong)
      • Argue for its reasonableness, practicality, effectiveness, workability, etc.
    • Organization for Pattern 2: TWO solutions = Analyze multiple solutions & then argue for ONE of the solutions. Define/analyze one solution at a time; then choose the best
      • Define the first solution in detail:{TS-one possibility/state the solution}
        • what does it look like?
          • This can include cost, time, resources, etc.
        • who’s involved?
      • Include opposition to the solution and refutation of the opposition {TS-one possibility/state the solution/objections or opposition}
        • what objections might some have?
        • how do you counter those objections? (explain why the objection isn’t important, why it’s wrong)
      • Define the second solution in detail: {TS-another possibility/state the solution}
        • what does it look like?
          • This can include cost, time, resources, etc.
        • who’s involved?
      • Include opposition to the solution and refutation of the opposition {TS- This second option /state the solution/ opposition}
        • what objections might some have?
        • how do you counter those objections? (explain why the objection isn’t important, why it’s wrong)
      • Argue for ONE best solution (reasonableness, practicality, effectiveness, workability, etc.?) {TS – naming solution- calling it the best}
        • Discuss WHY

Additional Requirements:

  • Three to five sources (See your Annotated Bibliography)
    • logically sandwiched and appropriately cited in-text
    • Paraphrases (more likely appropriate) vs quotations
  • Works Cited Page with the source(s) you cited (copy citations only from your Annotated Bibliography)

Your Choice:

  • The number of body paragraphs
  • The order of the body paragraphs
  • Where to put the sources/How the sources will be used
  • Type of support, evidence


  • Use fewer personal examples to prevent limiting the support and appeal to a broader audience

Submission Requirements & Due Dates

There are several submission requirements for this essay to help you keep moving:

  1. Development & thesis Discussion (400 words) INITIAL POST due Friday, November 13 11:59 pm
  2. Conference Draft (900 words minimum) due at individual conference day/time
  3. Tutor Visit Bonus- 5 points after required conference and before Nov. 30 (with evidence). See the Tutoring Options page for details.
  4. Revised Draft suggested 1,100 words by Saturday, November 28-no submission
  5. Final draft (1,200-1,400 words) due Monday, November 30 11:59pm

The final draft deadline can be extended by 2 days (to Dec. 2) IF the student presents evidence of working with a tutor for the final draft.

    • The evidence must show a date with the tutor during the extension days (Nov. 30-Dec. 2).
    • Tutoring options for this extension are listed on the Tutoring Options page. DLAs do NOT count toward this.


This essay will have several grades.

  1. Development Discussion = 10 points
  2. Draft for conference = 20 points (evidence of 900 words minimum for full credit)
  3. Tutor visit bonus of 5 points for tutor or instructor conference will be added to final draft points.
  4. Final essay draft = 100 points (1,200 words minimum for chance at full credit)

Your essay will be evaluated using the following rubric: Rubric for Essay 3.

Essay Process

While you will not be graded on all stages of writing, it is still very helpful to follow the stages. Here is a reminder of common stages of writing:

  • Step 1: Pre-Write-Pick a form of pre-writing: list, cluster, chart, or write (free writing).
  • Step 2: Focus-Develop your thesis. Research for your topic.
  • Step 3: Organize-Create an outline or graphic organizer from your pre-writing. Continue to research as needed.
  • Step 4: Draft-Type your draft. As you type your draft, remember to stay focused on your thesis. At this stage your primary concern is with ideas and organization, not grammar.
  • Step 5: Revise-You should stay focused on content and organization at this stage.
  • Step 6: Edit-Focus on language, grammar, and mechanics.
  • Step 7: Proofread & Submit for a grade: Submit your essay to

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