ART 101 The University of New Mexico Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen Project Paper
Question Description
I’m working on a art project and need an explanation to help me study.
PICK EITHER THE SET OR COSTUME PROJECT BELOW and submit by Nov. 18) 100 points
Set Design – Design a set rendering (picture) of one scene from the A DOLLs HOUSE. Sketch, paint, or draw your rendering. Include all furniture, doors, windows, etc. that are necessary for the action to happen.Research for historical accuracy: furniture, doors, windows, etc. must be appropriate to the time period . Use the internet and the Library for resources.
Include with your rendering a typed 2-paragraph explanation: paragraph one should simply be a one-sentence statement of what is the theme of the play; paragraph two should explain in detail how your designs exemplify that theme. Paragraph 2 should be an explanation of your design and how it fits with the play.
PHOTOGRAPH (or scan) the material and email to [ you may also turn in your project in person in class on the due date)
All designs should be historically appropriate for the years in which the plays were written. All sketches must be your own: any coming from pre-existing sets or costume designs posted online, etc. will be considered plagiarism! Also, you may not trace or copy any designfreehand designs only. Your grade is based on insight and historical accuracy rather than artistry and sketching ability.
Costume Design – Design costumes for 1 male and 1 female character from a scene in the play A DOLLS HOUSE. Sketch, design, or draw 1 male and 1 female character, Include all hair, shoes, accessories, etc.
Research for historical accuracy: all items must be appropriate to the time period. Rendering should be 8 1/2 x11″ and must be in color (no black and white or pencil sketches, although you may paint your sketches)
Include with your design a typed 2-paragraph explanation: paragraph one should simply be a one-sentence statement of what is the theme of the play; paragraph two should explain in detail how designs exemplifythat theme.
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