American InterContinental University Ideal Ethical Organization Discussion
Question Description
This assignment is divided into 2 parts.
Part 1 – You will need to compose a paper discussing your vision of an Ideal EthicalOrganization for Socially Responsible Practice. The paper must be 8-pages in length,not including the title page and reference section. Your paper must contain five credibleoutside scholarly resources such as websites, publications, and journals. Of the fiveresources, two must be scholarly peer review journals. If you have trouble locating theminimum number of resources and have already contacted a librarian please contactyour instructor.Follow the basic paper format and content provided below. Follow APA guidelines.
Paper Format
? Title Page
? Abstract
? Purpose and summary of your paper.
? Introduction? Describe your vision of an ideal ethical organization that epitomizessocially responsible practices within the field of AppliedPsychology.
? Main Body
? Describe the main elements of your ideal organization as it relatesto practices and theories in Applied Psychology.
? Conclusion
? Re-state your vision for an ideal ethical organization thatepitomizes socially responsible practices within the field of AppliedPsychology.
? Reference Section
? Provide a minimum of five resources, two must be scholarly peerreview journals.
Paper Content
Research, analyze, and consider best practice models which must be used to createthis ideal organization. Your paper should incorporate the following elements necessaryfor this ideal organizations design, creation, and sustainability.
? Leadership
? Values and Mission Statement
? Code of Ethics? Policies and Procedures
? Organizational Culture and Diversity
? Education and Training
? Applied Social Responsibility and Adlerian Principles
You will also create and post a 5-minute video presentation that discusses the contentsof your final paper. The presentation should contain 7-10 supporting slides and audio.
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