West Coast University Family Disaster Plan Checklist & Summary
Question Description
For this assignment, you will complete Your Family’s Disaster Plan Checklist adapted from Appendix A of your ReadyRN text.
This week you will gather and complete the recommended informationand supplies listed on the Family Disaster Plan Checklist Checklist.
Please note: You are not requiredto purchase any items on this list, however, take note of the items youare missing and consider how it could impact your safety and survivalin a disaster.
b. Complete all sections. For the inventory lists, use a check mark to show which items you have on hand.
- For items that are not applicable to you and your livingsituation, please write N/A (not applicable) in the space, otherwise itwill be counted as incomplete.
Content: Several additional items and information are added and it is clear thatthe student has used the checklist to thoughtfully assess and meet hisor her specific disaster needs.
The checklist is fully and thoroughly completed (minus private andpersonal information). Each item is checked off or has N/A (notapplicable) indicated. All sections have been completed as necessary tomeet the students specific disaster needs.
Floor plan: A floor plan indicating two possible escape routes is submitted with thechecklist. All areas of the floor plan are clearly and legiblylabeled.
For this paper you must cite and reference 2sources. The paper should be 23 pages and written using current APAformat. Your paper should address the following:
a. How would you prepare for the following situation? (provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival)
(Scenario)At this moment, you are sitting at home working on your class.Suddenly, the National Weather Bureau sends an alert across your cellphonea tornado is headed your way. You have 15 minutes before touchdownin your neighborhood. What is your plan? This is a ‘shelter inplace’ scenario, you cannot outrun the tornado. Identify a safe place inyour home to take shelter.
Youmust include research. Cite and reference two sources and explain therecommended safety measures in a tornado emergency and how you wouldapply them to your specific living arrangements.
b. How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe yourlevel of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references toyour “go-bag” and preparedness checklist assignments.
Example: Iam more prepared for a water-related disaster than a fire-relateddisaster even though I live in a highly secluded, forested area. I have aboat as transportation in the event of flooding, but I do not have rainbarrels or fire barrier supplies on hand.
Example:”There were many missing items on my preparedness checklist. I realizedthat I do not own a flashlight. If I had to use my phone as a light itwould drain the battery very quickly.
c. Reflect on how prepared you were before this class and compare it with how prepared you are now.
- Have you acquired any new emergency items?
- Do you plan to take any additional trainings or certification courses?
- Have you shared your knowledge with friends and family?
Scenario Response Prompt A: Responds clearly, thoroughly, and eloquently to the assignment scenario.The response is reflective and insightful.The response includes detail that exhibits a firm understanding of the course content.All content is accurate and/or supported.Provides several specific examples:Identifies a safe place in home to shelter in place.Identifies realistic safety measures and survival strategies.Includes two sources cited and referenced to support safety and survival strategies.
Level of Disaster Preparedness and Reflection (Prompts b and c): Evaluates ones level of preparedness by thoroughly and thoughtfullyreflecting on the Assignment Checklist items and categories. Drawsconclusions and makes reasonable predictions.Provides specific examples from ones personal situation to support theevaluation with evidence.Reflects thoughtfully and in-depth on personal growth in disasterpreparedness throughout the course, offering examples and details forevidence.
Mechanics and apa:
The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free oferrors in formatting, citation, and references. There are nogrammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are correctlycited and referenced.
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