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USF The Media Is Shaping the Perspectives of Women in Society Essay

Question Description

  • Papers must be submitted online via Canvas in a Word document and must be written in essay format.
  • Format guidelines include: 1-2 pages, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, and double spaced.
  • Answer all questions and provide examples from the film to support your ideas.

Tips for writing the film critiques

  • Writing a film critiques includes critically reflecting on the film by sharing your feelings, beliefs, and attitudes.
  • If you use thoughts or words that are not your own, then you must provide a reference. This includes facts or quotes from the film itself. Failure to provide a reference for any thoughts or words that are not your own is considered plagiarism. Please cite your reference both in-text and at the end of your film critique using APA format. APA Formatting and Style Guide – Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.).
  • It is very obvious (to the instructor) when students do not actually watch the film. Using cliff notes or other resources to write your critique is not permissible. You MUST take time to watch the film and share YOUR own thoughts.
  • It is suggested you work on the film critiques as soon as they are assigned as due dates are very close to the exam dates and you want to make sure you leave yourself enough time to study for the exams.

Film Critique #2 – Miss Representation (Links to an external site.)

This film has been assigned for the entire Women’s Chronic Disease module. This film highlights the power of the media in influencing how women and girls are viewed by society. It specifically describes how these portrayals influence a woman’s ability to achieve positions of power and leadership.

Please answer all of the following questions in your film critique:

  1. Do you believe the media is as powerful as Miss Representation makes it out to be in shaping our lives and the society we live in?
  2. Can women be both beautiful/sexy AND intellectual/powerful, or do they have to sacrifice one for the other? How?
  3. What role do men/boys have in ensuring that women/girls have equitable opportunities?

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