Diversity and Race Assignment: How Jazz Musicians were affected by Diversity and Race Issues in American Society in the 20th Century.
Draft is due by November 3
Drafts will be reviewed and returned with comments by November 10
Final Papers are due by November 17
Choose one of the following jazz artists/groups from the list below to research the way(s) in which race and/or diversity played a role in their interactions with American society in the earlier part of the 20th century (1900s -1960s.) This could include employment issues – performance opportunities, equal treatment, touring issues hotels, travel options, etc.), criminal justice issues (cabaret cards, arrests, drug use-targeting of musicians and neighborhoods, etc.) and other societal issues of the day. Learn how they responded (or were forced to respond) to these issues and how they involved themselves in issues of civil rights and race and diversity discrimination. Discuss how they used their music or status in the entertainment industry to address these issues.
NOTE: – If you have an interest in choosing a different artist, you can email the instructors (through Canvas) to request permission to write about that artist. Be sure there is sufficient documentation of how their career was affected by these issues. BE SURE THAT YOU ASK WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE DRAFT DUE DATE SO YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO GET AN ANSWER AND TIME TO WRITE THE DRAFT.
Write a short (approximately 1000-1500 word paper) and submit. (Word count is NOT the most important component of a research paper.) You will submit a draft for instructor review which will be read, graded, and commented on and returned to you before you submit the final paper. Both versions will use the TurnItIn application. A well-edited, concise, clear and effective presentation is an important component of this assignment. Writing assistance is offered to USF students through the USF Writing Studio – http://www.usf.edu/undergrad/academic-success-center/writing-studio/ (Links to an external site.)
Remember to submit in the Assignment submit box. Canvas allows resubmissions (before the due date), so be sure you read your Similarity Report and take care of any copied materials issues.
The TurnitIn tool reviews papers for copied materials, and issues a Similarity Report, which identifies the copied materials and the percentage of the paper that uses copied materials. Canvas allows resubmissions of the Draft and Final paper to allow you to review this report and make any changes needed to be sure that any copied materials are cited properly or are used in quotations to support your paper before submitting your Draft and Final Paper. There should not be a large component of the paper that is copied, but some percentage is OK, as long as you are citing the materials and those materials support the points you are making in your paper.
- Papers need to be written in a professional style. Basic standards for grammar, sentence structure, citations (if used), and other considerations for a Research Paper style assignment need to be observed. APA or MLA citation standards should be used.
- In order to achieve the highest grade you need to include the following topics in your presentation:
- A short description of the Artist or group and what issue(s) of discrimination based on race and/or diversity you are writing about.
- How race and/or diversity affected their interaction with society during their historical period in America
- What sort of responses (if any) the artist/group made to react to the racially/diversity-divided society found in America as jazz music grew along with the country.
- How the artist/group used their music or status in the entertainment industry to address these issues
List of Jazz Artists/Groups who were affected by issues of Diversity and/or Race and some of the issues they dealt with. The list of issues are JUST suggestions of a place to start your research, you need find much more material on the artist you choose.
Louis Armstrong early 20th century stardom for a Black musician
Fletcher Henderson Black swing bands vs. White Swing Bands opportunities, acceptance, Black composers/arrangers and White Swing Bands
Benny Goodman segregation, Black and White musicians playing together
Billie Holiday female jazz performer, Strange Fruit, cabaret card, drug issues
John Coltrane Alabama, how he used his music to comment on Society
Cannonball and Nat Adderley Sextet raised awareness through their music Work Song, and other songs which were inspired by African American history and traditions. Active in Civil Rights movement in the 1960s
Diversity and Race Writing Assignment
Diversity and Race Writing Assignment
Criteria |
Ratings |
Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunicationStudents will produce well-organized, well-developed statements that reflect appropriate use of language to clearly present specific ideas/concepts to distinct audiences.
10.0 pts
The thesis of the paper is clear. Many relevant details from the research are given to support the thesis. Grammar, word choice, spelling, and sentence structure are consistently correct. Copied materials are properly cited and used in an intelligent way to support the writers points. Paper and additional materials (discography, references, etc.) follow an accepted format (MLA APA)
8.0 pts
Above Average
The thesis is fairly clear and is supported by some relevant details from the research. Information is presented in a logical manner that is easily followed. Grammar, word choice, spelling, and sentence structure are generally correct (very few errors). Most of the copied materials are properly cited and used in an intelligent way to support the writers points. Paper and additional materials (discography, references, etc.) follow an accepted format (MLA APA)
5.0 pts
The thesis is somewhat difficult to interpret, and only a few relevant details from the research are given to support it. There are places where it is difficult to follow the flow of the paper. There are several errors of word choice, spelling, sentence structure and/or grammar that stand in the way of understanding the paper. Paper is not very well organized. Many of the copied materials are not properly cited and /or used in an intelligent way to support the writers points. Paper and additional materials (discography, references, etc.) do not follow an accepted format (MLA APA.)
3.0 pts
Below Average
There is an attempted thesis, but it is unclear. The relevant details from the research are either unconnected to the thesis or too few to support the thesis. The paper is hard to follow. There are many errors of word choice, spelling, sentence structure and/or grammar that stand in the way of understanding the paper. Paper is unorganized. High percentage of quoted copied materials showing a lack of original thought and opinion. Copied materials are not properly cited and /or used in an intelligent way to support the writers points. Paper and additional materials (discography, references, etc.) do not follow an accepted format (MLA APA.)
0.0 pts
The paper does not have a thesis, makes no creditworthy points, or was not submitted. No research is evident. Unacceptable writing, errors in grammar, word choice, spelling, and sentence structure make the paper unacceptable for a Collegiate level writing assignment. Paper is not organized at all. High percentage of un-cited copied materials (plagiarism.). Paper and additional materials (discography, references, etc.) do not exist or are incomplete and do not follow an accepted format (MLA APA.)
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical & Analytical ThinkingStudents will comprehensively explore issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating opinions or conclusions.
5.0 pts
Student states an issue or problem clearly and comprehensively, providing all relevant information for full understanding. Student takes information from sources with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis. The viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly. Student thoroughly analyzes assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position, taking into consideration the complexities of an issue. Student formulates a logical conclusion that reflects her/his ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
4.0 pts
Above Average
Student states an issue or problem fairly clearly and comprehensively, providing most of the relevant information for full understanding. Student takes information from sources with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a fairly comprehensive analysis or synthesis. The viewpoints of experts are questioned fairly thoroughly. Student adequately analyzes assumptions and evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position, taking into consideration the complexities of an issue. Student formulates a fairly logical conclusion that reflects her/his ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
3.0 pts
Student identifies problem to be considered critically, but description has some omissions or needs additional clarity. Student gathers information that is mostly appropriate to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis. The viewpoints of experts are subject to questioning. Student questions assumptions and identifies several relevant contexts (sides of an issue) when presenting a position. Student considers opposing viewpoints when formulating a logical conclusion that is tied to appropriate information.
1.0 pts
Below Average
Student states problem to be considered with little clarification or description. Student gathers information without significant interpretation/evaluation; viewpoints of experts are not questioned adequately. Student demonstrates some awareness of assumptions and begins to identify some contexts when presenting a position. Student expresses a position that is simplistic and obvious and reaches a conclusion that is inconsistently tied to some of the information discussed/presented.
0.0 pts
Student states problem to be considered without clarification or description. Student gathers information without interpretation/evaluation; viewpoints of experts are taken as fact without question. Student demonstrates some awareness of assumptions and begins to identify some contexts when presenting a position. Student expresses a position that is simplistic and obvious and reaches a conclusion that is inconsistently tied to some of the information discussed/presented.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem SolvingStudents will design, evaluate, and implement a strategy to answer open-ended questions or achieve desired goals.
5.0 pts
Student demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Student identifies multiple approaches to solve a problem that apply within a specific context. Student proposes multiple solutions/hypotheses that indicate insightful comprehension of the problem. Student provides a solution that is insightful and elegant and implements the solution in a manner that thoroughly addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem. Student thoroughly reviews results relative to the problem with specific consideration of need for further work.
4.0 pts
Above Average
Student demonstrates the ability to construct a fairly clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Student identifies some approaches to solve a problem that apply within a specific context. Student proposes solutions/hypotheses that indicate insightful comprehension of the problem. Student provides a solution that is fairly insightful and elegant and implements the solution in a manner that adequately addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem. Student thoroughly reviews results relative to the problem with specific consideration of need for further work.
3.0 pts
Student demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors. Student identifies multiple approaches to solve a problem, only some of which apply within a specific context. Student proposes a solution/hypothesis that indicates comprehension of the problem. Student provides a solution that is adequate and address multiple contextual factors of the problem. Student reviews results relative to the problem with some consideration of need for further work.
1.0 pts
Below Average
Student demonstrates a limited ability to identify a problem statement or related contextual factors. Student identifies approaches for solving the problem, but some do not apply to the specific context. Student proposes a solution/hypothesis that is hard to follow and difficult to evaluate. Student provides a superficial solution that is implemented in a manner that does not directly address the problem statement.
0.0 pts
Student demonstrates a limited ability to identify a problem statement or related contextual factors. Student identifies approaches for solving the problem that do not apply to the specific context. Student proposes a solution/hypothesis that is vague and difficult to evaluate. Student provides a superficial solution that is implemented in a manner that does not directly address the problem statement. Student reviews results superficially with no consideration of need for further work.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHuman + Cultural DiversityStudents will demonstrate an understanding of cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills and characteristics that support effective and appropriate interaction in a variety of cultural contexts.
5.0 pts
Student articulates insights into own cultural rules/biases. Student demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture. Student interprets intercultural experiences from multiple worldviews and demonstrates ability to act in a supportive manner that recognizes the feelings of another cultural group. Student articulates a deep understanding of cultural differences and is able to skillfully negotiate a shared understanding based on those differences. Student asks complex questions about other cultures and seeks answers to those questions that reflect multiple cultural perspectives.
4.0 pts
Above Average
Student articulates insights into own cultural rules/biases. Student demonstrates fairly well developed understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture. Student interprets intercultural experiences from worldviews and demonstrates ability to act in a supportive manner that recognizes the feelings of another cultural group. Student articulates a basic understanding of cultural differences and is able to skillfully negotiate a shared understanding based on those differences. Student asks questions about other cultures and seeks answers to those questions that reflect multiple cultural perspectives.
3.0 pts
Student identifies and recognizes new perspectives about own cultural rules/biases Student demonstrates adequate understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture. Student recognizes intellectual and emotional dimensions and sometimes uses multiple worldviews in interactions. Student recognizes and participates in cultural differences in communication and begins to negotiate a shared understanding based on those differences. Student asks questions about other cultures and seeks answers to those question Student begins to initiate and develop interactions with culturally different others, and begins to suspend judgment in valuing her/his interaction with culturally different others.
1.0 pts
Below Average
Student shows only basic awareness of own cultural rules and biases. Student demonstrates a basic understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture. Student views the experiences of others, but through his/her own cultural worldview. Student has minimal understanding of cultural differences; is unable to negotiate a shared understanding/common ground. Student does not show much interest in learning about other cultures.
0.0 pts
Student shows minimal awareness of own cultural rules and biases. Student demonstrates a superficial understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture. Student views the experiences of others, but through his/her own cultural worldview. Student has minimal understanding of cultural differences; is unable to negotiate a shared understanding/common ground. Student shows minimal to no interest in learning about other cultures.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0