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University of California Riverside Dietary Supplements Vitamins Discussion

Question Description

Why do Americans spend millions of dollars each year on dietary supplements? Do you take a vitamin supplement? Why? Where did you get the advice regarding this supplement? How much do you take each day? Is it more than you need or just enough? Is there a particular food or food group that you are lacking in your diet that requires you to take this supplement? (275 words)

Comment on each post (50 words)

1. Americans spend so much money on vitamin supplements because it’s either seen as a free pass to be healthy or because they truly need it. I work for a company that sells vitamin supplements and we send out so many shipments everyday and have seen all different kinds of supplements. Usually Americans will hear the news or read a popular article about how b12 and some other vitamin can make you really healthy and prevent diseases so a consumer buys into it without considering their diets first or checking the daily recommended dosage. I don’t want to put too much blame on the consumer they are at least trying to be healthier, and the ad campaigns for these supplements and false information all over the internet can make anyone fall susceptible. However, sometimes people just want to eat whatever they want and take a supplement to supply the rest, in their minds they are doing the right thing. When I was younger I had an iron deficiency so I had anemia. I would pass out from physical activity and always had a craving for ice and salt. So I had to take iron supplements. I don’t have anemia anymore but I still make the effort to eat spinach and foods I know have iron in them

2. I believe that Americans spend so much on dietary supplements largely because of advertising. I know many people that take protein supplements daily, especially if they are trying to build muscle. I am sure they either look that information up, see it being advertised on commercials, or maybe a gym trainer or someone they know that works out a lot gave them the advice. I do know a surprising amount of people that take protein supplements whenever they work out, though. Supplementing out of guilt could also be a big contributor to the consumption of supplements since many American’s do not eat very healthy or well-balanced diets. Our culture is centered around fast results and convenience which leads us to rely on fast food and heavily preserved products. Everyone knows that fast food is not the healthiest option, so providing themselves or their families with dietary supplements are thought to basically counteract bad nutrition habits. I do have dietary supplements because I do not always eat a lot of meat, so I worry about potentially going into protein deficiency. When I take the supplement, which is a Women’s One A Day, I only take one, as instructed by the directions on the bottle. As mentioned, my meat, poultry, and fish intake is not very vast and I know that meat has many essential nutrients and other health factors that I do not always replace by consuming another kind of plant-based alternative. I would rather take the vitamin supplement on those days versus putting myself into a deficiency and potentially causing harm to my body. With that being said, I do not take the supplements regularly. Another supplement that I would take on occasion to help with colds was Emergen-C gummies, but after reading chapters 7 and 8, I will probably look for something with zinc in it for those purposes.

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