University of California MedDev X ray System Design Requirement Essay
Question Description
The Mobile Medical Device (MobileMedDev) company needs a new sub-app for their mobile application software. The application will allow field medics to take X-Ray scans of injured people in the field or ambulance. X-Ray’s are mission critical devices that need to work every time. They contain radio active material that must be accounted for, contained properly and promptly alerted if containment breach is detected. You can imagine the risks involved with such a device. Furthermore, patient information must be kept confidential. In the future this application might be expanded to a mobile MRI device.
The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to write a fairly complete and precise requirements specification, which is a critical step in developing a large software system. Completing this assignment will give you experience in one of the most interesting and difficult software engineering tasks.
This assignment is to write a software requirements document for the Mobile MedDev Xray application. The details of the requirements should be elicited by client interviews with your professor during lecture (see Course Schedule). She will act as customer. Your document should be based solely on the information discussed in these interviews. Do not add any requirements other than what was discussed in these interviews.
The deliverable is an electronic PDF copy due via Gradescope by the due date. The following late policy applies: Assignments turned in within 24 hours after the deadline will receive a 50% penalty. No assignments will be accepted after that.
We provide a template Word document with which you should use to get started (see Files section of Canvas). Your requirements specification should contain all of the sections contained in this template. There are some student samples in the Files section of Canvas for guidance.
The submissions for HW1 will be done on Gradescope (TBD). When you submit, please assign pages for different sections of the document to the best degree possible. If you have already submitted on Canvas, please re-submit on Gradescope.
Please watch this video for instructions on how to submit and assign pages to sections on gradescope: (Links to an external site.)
The scoring criteria are outlined in the rubric below. Throughout the document we will be looking for:
- Adherence to the stated structure. Carefully follow the structure defined above.
- Clarity of writing. You should write your document in clear, precise, business-like English prose, avoiding jargon, humor, and wordiness. Correct spelling and correct grammar are essential. Avoid acronyms; common ones should be defined when first used. Bulleted and numbered lists can be used, with restraint, and not as a substitute for complete sentences and readable prose.
- Fidelity to customer’s desires. It is important that your document be true to the requirements stated by the customer. Don’t add or remove requirements without approval. When in doubt, ask the professor or TA but only for clarification purposes (no new requirements).
- Your document should address all aspect of system functionality and constraints which are important to the user.
- Your document will contain many detailed requirements. Careful thought is necessary to ensure that no subtle contradictions are introduced.
- State detailed requirements in a manner that facilitates determining whether they are met in the final implementation.
- Avoiding implementation bias. Focus on “what” not “how”.
- Modularity and separation of concerns. Try to divide each section into subsections or paragraphs which are largely independent of each other. Ideally, each requirement or feature is discussed in its entirety in one place.
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