TSU Theoretical Application to Homelessness in Social Work in US Review
Question Description
First select one scholarly peer reviewed article that is related to some aspect of your sub-population of interest ( homelessness). As applicable, feel free to tie in 1 or more of the previous articles you used for your literature review.
For Section 1 Agency Overview please visit www.beaconhomeless.org to get grasp a complete overview of the agency. The two programs worked with is The Day Center, Brigid’s Hope and New Hope Housing or The Way Home.
Part I: Agency Overview
1. Provide general background information about your agency (how did it originate, who started it, how did it get to
where it is today, etc.).
2. What are all the various populations served? Provide information about their demographics. *If you have a
specific sub-population of interest identify that group here.
3. Describe why this population/subpopulation is of interest to you.
4. Integrate factual supporting information to include statistics about this population or subpopulation that paints me
a picture as to what they look like nationwide and then narrow it down to the specifics of your agency.
5. What makes this population or subpopulation unique? What strengths exist?
6. What is this groups relationship to the greater environment (in other words what aspects of their identity, not
limited to race, SES, class, gender, etc. impact and are impacted by greater social influences/perspectives) and
7. Discuss your reasons for focusing on this population/subpopulation and/or specific issue.
Part II: Literature Review
1. Use the selected scholarly peer reviewed article and summarize what your chosen article is about. ( the article should focus on homelessness)
2. Establish links between the peer reviewed article and your population or subpopulation. *In other words, describe
how this article reflects your population/subpopulation.
3. Specifically address what you perceive to be the primary topic, theme, issue, problem, etc. in this article and why.
4. Describe the authors methods for gathering information and/or conducting the study (this is for the primary
article only).
5. What was the intervention/process? (Whether you discuss an intervention, or a process depends on the type of
article you select)
6. What was the outcome/concluding thought? (Whether you discuss a concrete outcome, or a concluding thought
depends on the type of article you select)
Part III: Theoretical Overview
*This part of your paper is all theory description. You are not applying the theory to your population at this point. You are demonstrating here that you have a very good understanding of what each of your theories are about. The two theories for this assignment are to be selected from any chapter in your textbook and can have been previously used. To access the book visit:
III(a): Explain how and why you decided on these two theories?
III(b): The questions below are a guide to help you think about and analyze what information you want to include in this
section. At minimum, you want to discuss 5 out of 9 points. This description should be done for each theory separately.
1. According to this theory, what determines human behavior?
2. What are the major tenets of the theory? Which tenets do I accept and why? Which tenets don’t I accept and
3. Are assumptions clearly defined? Are assumptions reasonable? Are the theory’s assumptions ethically and
socially consistent with my own and social work’s assumptions?
4. Can the principles of the theory be practically applied?
5. How applicable is the theory across settings, different clients, and problems?
6. Is the theory clear, easy to understand, and logical? Why do you believe this to be so?
7. Does the theory address cultural, ethnic, or racial issues? Is the theory culturally sensitive? Explain your
8. What empirical support exists for this theory?
9. Is the theory ethically consistent with the social work professions values? How do you know this?
III(c): Identify and provide supporting statements about (at minimum) two strengths and two limitations of EACH of your
selected theories.
Part IV: Theory Application
1. Explain how each of these theories might interpret, predict, clarify, and/or conclude about the
population/behavior/issue under review.
2. To what extent do these theories align with and depart from one another in its understanding of the
population/behavior/issue under review?
3. How well do your chosen theories fit the population/subpopulation of interest and why do you believe this to be
Part V: Conclusion
1. What are the main points you found most important? Explain your answer.
2. Why should the greater population care about this issue?
3. Ultimately, to what extent can the behavior be modified and/or the primary topic, theme, issue, problem, etc. be
resolved and why?
4. What recommendations might you make going forward and/or speculations on future trends do you anticipate?
Support your answers.
Below I have attached the three previously written relevant literature reviews to assist with completing the theoretical application written report. Please provide the scholarly peer reviewed article that is being utilized for part two of the written report. Also, access the attachment labeled Written Report pdf. to review the written report writing requirements in full.
Also here is a list of different theories in the book: systems theory, conflict theory, theories of empowerment, Theories of Assimilation, Acculturation, Bicultural Socialization and Ethnic Minority Identity, Psychodynamic Theory, Theories of Lifespan Development, Symbolic Interaction Social Constructionism Transpersonal Theory etc.
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