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Strayer University Art Gallery Online Cultural Activity Report

Question Description

Cultural Activity Report

Click the linked activity title to access Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report.

***UPDATE***Please make sure to visit only onlinemuseums. Even if museums are open in your area, please avoidunnecessary risk – there are many wonderful virtual resources! Feel freeto use your textbook as a guide as well.

Visit a museum or art gallery online before the end of Week 9. Usingthe online museum or gallery as a model, then “create your own museum.”The museum or gallery should contain art or artifacts from the timeperiod you are studying in this course: From Ancient Times to the 1600s.

Please make sure to visit only onlinemuseums. Even if museums are open in your area, please avoidunnecessary risk – there are many wonderful virtual resources! Feel freeto use your textbook as a guide as well.

Forthis paper, you will select and curate a minimum of 5–10 works of artby 5–10 different artists to include in your own art museum. Use yourtextbook and online sources to help you find these works of art. A goodresource for this assignment is the Google Arts and Culturewebsite from the Google Cultural Institute. Here you can immerseyourself in cultural experiences across art, history and wonders of theworld—from more than a thousand museums across 70 countries. Pleaseselect only artifacts from Ancient Times to 1600s. Using artifacts dated beyond 1600s will result in a loss of 25 points per artifact.

Assignment Instructions

Write a 2–3 page report, 500–750 words that describes your experience.

  1. Select a minimum of 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists, from different time periods discussed in the text (Ancient Times to 1600s).
  2. Do not use power point slides,Clearly identify the location of the museum and your initial reactionwhen exploring the artwork in the online museum or gallery.
  3. Provide a description and summary of at least 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists.
  4. Include an image or screenshot of each piece.
  5. Explain your initial reaction to the artwork you selected and explain why you chose each piece.
  6. Describe the role of museum founder and curator.
  7. Usethe class text as a reference (additional sources are fine, but notnecessary unless required by your content). Your report should includeconnections you make between things observed in your activity and thingslearned in the course and text.

    Note The roles of museum founder and curator are held by you.

    Assignment Requirements

    Your assignment must follow these requirements:

  • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) [PDF] . Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Includea cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’sname, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The coverpage and the reference page are not included in the required assignmentpage length.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine historical works of art to identify themes that are relevant to both past and present.

Template listed below

Please copy template outline or type into your paper.Use the links and text books to avoid using forbidden websites. For best results, use Grammarly tool and submit to Strayer before submitting to Blackboard, to avoid “Too much Verbatim Content.”

Assignment: Visit a Museum online.

Select a minimum of 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists, from different time periods discussed in the text, quizzes, and discussions

Works must be from Ancient Times to 1600s.Loss of points for paintings and sculptures beyond the 1600s.

Please copy or type template in your paper. Start with the introduction.

Use the class text/discussions/quizzes as a reference.Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text.

Template for Week 10 paper (Start here)

(Step 1) Introduction

Museum Name and Location & Your initial reaction.

Clearly identify the location of the museum and your initial reaction (happy, amazed, enlightened, impressed, etc) when exploring the artwork in the online museum or gallery.

(Step 2) Paintings or Sculptures

Provide a description and summary of at least 5–10 works of art by 5–10 different artists. Include a screenshot of each piece if possible. Explain your initial reaction to the artwork you selected and explain why you chose each piece. Items must be from (Ancient Times to 1600s).

1st Painting or sculpture

a. Name the Piece, The Culture it is from, & Description of piece: __________


b. My initial reaction (happy, impressed, puzzled, etc) ______________________

c. The Reason I chose this piece is because we discussed this culture in

week ______

(Insert screen shot if possible, no loss of points if cannot show


2nd Painting or sculpture

a. Name the Piece, The Culture it is from, & Description of piece: __________


b. My initial reaction (happy, impressed, puzzled, etc) ______________________

c. The Reason I chose this piece is because we discussed this culture in

week ______

(Insert screen shot if possible, no loss of points if cannot show


3rdPainting or sculpture

a. Name the Piece, The Culture it is from, & Description of piece: __________


b. My initial reaction (happy, impressed, puzzled, etc) ______________________

c. The Reason I chose this piece is because we discussed this culture in

week ______

(Insert screen shot if possible, no loss of points if cannot show


4th Painting or sculpture

a. Name the Piece, The Culture it is from, & Description of piece: __________


b. My initial reaction (happy, impressed, puzzled, etc) ______________________

c. The Reason I chose this piece is because we discussed this culture in

week ______

(Insert screen shot if possible, no loss of points if cannot show


5th Painting or sculpture

a. Name the Piece, The Culture it is from, & Description of piece: __________


b. My initial reaction (happy, impressed, puzzled, etc) ______________________

c. The Reason I chose this piece is______________________________

(Insert screen shot if possible, no loss of points if cannot show


(Step 3) Conclusion

Describe your role of museum founder and curator.Explain if you like being founder and curator (Curator means Keeper, Guardian, Director, etc) and will you share this project outside of class?

(Step 4) Sources

1st Painting or sculpture Textbook or Website:

2nd Painting or sculpture Textbook or Website:

3rd Painting or sculpture Textbook or Website:

4th Painting or sculpture Textbook or Website:

5th Painting or sculpture Textbook or Website:

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