Stratford University SBAR Communication & Loss of Balance Discussion
Question Description
use this case study to fill out the attachment’s below:
Susan Wells , a 47-year-old divorced female, is 198 lb, has a bad back, and has undergone threelaminectomies and a two-level spinal fusion in the last 10 years. She has minor neurologicaldeficits and neuropathy in the great and second toe of the left foot, with diminished strength andcontrol of her left foot. She walks with a cane when outside but does not need it in the house. Shehas a pain level of 3/10 at rest and 7/10 with walking. Intensity increases with duration of timeon her feet. Her pain is managed with OxyContin 40 mg bid and Vicodin 5/500 one to two tabsprn for breakthrough pain, with a maximum of two doses a day.Ms. Wells is currently in therapy and sees a pain specialist who is working with alternative paintreatments.Ms. Wells takes two Colace caps bid and has stools every 3 days, which are hard; she sometimesrequires a suppository or enema to evacuate the bowel, aggravating her back pain to 10+/10.Desired Outcomes: Semi-soft stool every 12 days; no increase in back pain after stool.
Write a SBAR nursing note using the TEMPLATE provided. Make sure to address each element properly (what does under S, versus B, versus A, versus R). The template is provided in the attach document
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