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SMC Racism in the US Conceptions of Racism Banton Michael Annotated Bibliography Paper

Question Description

Hi there,

This assignment is an Annotated Bibliography on Racism in the U.S. I included the 6 sources at the very bottom, which will be 200-250 words for each source. All of the instructions and examples are below. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Getting Started:

You must use six academic journal articles and/or books for this assignment.

What is an annotated bibliography?


An annotated bibliography is a list of citations and critical summaries of books and

articles on a topic. The annotated bibliography looks like a Reference Page but includes an

annotation or summary after each source cited. An annotation is a short summary of a source.

(See example below.)

For this assignment please provide the citation for each source and a summary of each source.

The summary should include:

Research methods employed by book’s/article’s author (researcher)

Main points/arguments of the book/article

Why is the source relevant to your project?


This assignment is to be typed using Times New Roman, 12-point font. The document should be

double-spaced and have 1-inch margins all around. Each entry should be 200-250 words. College

level writing is expected for this and all assignments.

Please use 12-point Times New Roman font.

Please use 1-inch margins all around

Single-space the citation and double-space annotation (summary).

The bibliography should be in alphabetical order.

Examples: This is what an annotated bibliography would look like.

*Note that the references are in alphabetical order.

Becker, Davida, James P. Thing, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Seth J. Schwartz, Daniel W.

Soto and Jennifer B. Unger. 2014. “Cultural Measures Associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors

Among Latino Youth in Southern California: A Longitudinal Study.”

Perspectives on Sexual and

Reproductive Health


The authors, researchers at the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research

cultural variables have been associated with sexual risk behaviors among Latino youth, but

findings across studies are inconsistent. This researcher is a quantitative longitudinal study of

acculturation patterns among Latino youth in Southern California from 2005 to 2012. Data from

995 participants were used in logistic and ordered regression analyses to test whether cultural

variables measured in high school were associated with sexual risk behaviors in emerging

adulthood, and whether gender moderated these associations. Results suggests that the cultural

value of respect for parents was negatively associated with participants’ odds of reporting an

earlier age at sexual debut (odds ratio, 0.8) and condom nonuse at most recent sexual

intercourse (0.8). A measure of acculturation reflecting U.S. cultural practices was positively

associated with the likelihood of being sexually experienced (1.2), having concurrent sexual

partners (1.5) and, among males only, having a greater number of sexual partners (1.3). Second-

and later-generation immigrant youth had lower odds of not using a condom at most recent

sexual intercourse than first-generation youth (0.6 and 0.5, respectively). Strength of

endorsement of Latino cultural practices was negatively associated with females’ lifetime

number of partners (0.8), but positively associated with males’ (1.4). Data analysis conclusions:

The cultural measures associated with Latino youths’ sexual behaviors differed across outcomes

and by gender. Further understanding of these associations and their underlying mechanisms

may help inform the development of culturally sensitive sexual health interventions.

Our research project for Sociology 4 looks at sexuality among racial/ethnic

minority college students. Thus, this research is relevant to our project because it suggests that

cultural factors correlate with sexual risk behaviors such as sexual experience, age of sexual

debut, condom use and number of sexual partners. Further, gender was found to be correlated to

both cultural measures and sexual behavior outcomes.

[*You could elaborate on some of the findings through language that is more accessible, or that

describes overall themes instead of specific numbers, or statistical terminology. In other words,

put this more into language that describes to you what the major findings reveal about Latinx

youth, acculturation and sexual behavior. ]

Thing, James. 2010. “Gay, Mexican and Immigrant: Intersecting Identities among Gay Men in

Los Angeles.”

Social Identities

16(6): 809-831.

This research draws on a multi-sited ethnographic research study of sexual identity formation

among self-identified gay Mexican men in Los Angeles, Mexico City and Cuernavaca. Relying

primarily on in-depth interviews with 24 gay immigrant men and extensive participant

observation in Los Angeles, this research explores the intersection of sexuality, social class,

ethnicity and immigration in the participants’ daily lives and identity formation processes, the

potential ways that transnational social networks shape their identities, and the ways that

sexuality impacts the contours of their transnational networks. This article argues that the

participants’ identities as gay men are best understood as hybrid constructions that integrate

elements of the gender-stratified activo/pasivo model of homosexuality and the object-choice

gay model of homosexuality, and that the integration of these models into their identities is

impacted by social class, geography, and immigration. Further, this paper argues that the

subjectivities of the gay immigrant men in this study are best understood within a transnational

intersectionality framework which conceptualizes identities as hybrid constructions that are

produced through the interaction of several salient social forces.

Our research project for Sociology 4 examines sexuality among gay men. This research is

relevant to our project because it examines the formation and articulation of gay identities

among Mexican men. More specifically, this research shows how social class, immigration, and

participation in transnational social networks shape the formation of what the author calls hybrid

sexual identities that draw from elements of the actiivo/pasivo model and object-choice model of



Please use the American Sociological Association formatting style. The bibliography must have

a cover page with the names of all the group members, topic, date of presentation, and course

section number. For examples of how to list your references see the links below. These are from

various universities or sociology resource pages.……


Article: One author

Thing, James. 2010. “Gay, Mexican and Immigrant: Intersecting Identities among Gay Men in

Los Angeles.”

Social Identities

16(6): 809-831.

Article: Two or more authors

Becker, Davida, James P. Thing, Lourdes BaezcondeGarbanati, Seth J. Schwartz, Daniel W.

Soto and Jennifer B. Unger. 2014. “Cultural Measures Associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors

Among Latino Youth in Southern California: A Longitudinal Study.”

Perspectives on Sexual and

Reproductive Health



Welch, Kathleen E. 1999. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy.

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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