New York University The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale Discussion
Question Description
Post A
The Wife of Bath is an often-quoted character when it comes to supporting feminist causes. She is independent, strong, and very bawdy. Feminists would call her liberated, especially when she very openly shares with the other pilgrims how many husbands she has had.
Do we need the voice of the Wife of Bath — a strong feminist character — today, or has feminism run its course? I want you to explore in your posts the necessity of reading about a woman who asserts herself. Have we become oversaturated with feminism? Can we get anything out of the Wife of Bath that has not been said before?
write 300+ words
Post B
reply this two work, each reply need 100+ words
1. The struggle for equality in any capacity or form–from gender to racial–will NEVER run its course until the poison that is inequality itself has done so, in which case we would all have achieved the total, absolute, and most ultimate show of unity and fairness across the board. To say or uphold anything in contrast to that dignified ideology would be ignorant and exhibit blatant flippancy for the progress made to quell the disgraceful forces of unfairness, malice, and the disunion which have plagued the human race since long before recorded history. I don’t truly believe that feminism JUST stands for control as the theme of The Wife of Bath suggests. I believe there is merely a strong desire for equality with men and nothing short of it.
I feel The Wife of Bath was giving a nodd to the power men had (and have). That main power is control. Women want to be treated with the same respect and earn roles of leadership like men do. Why can’t both men & women stand as equal without the influence of cosmetic factors and particular norms coming into play? We actually see the power of female control exhibited throughout the story as the knight searches for the answer to the QUEEN’S question which is held BY WOMEN.
This is a great lesson to learn.
Female assertion is a threat to any established patriarchy because it means to dismantle, discomfort, and discredit the effects it has on a society or community. This doesn’t mean it’s bad, either. As we have all seen throughout human history–heck, American history–a majority that solely dominates and controls can do great damage to those it wields the metaphorical “whip” of authority over. In other words, an abuse of power and morality takes place when one person or people have sole power. There needs to be a response–an uprising–that ensues in order to not only challenge but change a cemented abusive influence.
A woman who asserts herself is one who desires confidence and harbors the hope of success in her spirit. She is, because of this, successful and confident. The recent passing of Justice Ginsburg has seen her life and legacy honored from all corners of the plane of feminism and the entire nation. She asserted herself in a world where presence of women were few! Lord rest her soul…
While there are some feministic ideologies that are faulty in their reasoning (nothing is without it’s deformities in this world), we must not lose sight of the goal of feminism. We must not lose sight of the centrality that continuously drives this worthy cause forward in the universal fight for peace. We cannot be “oversaturated” with feminism, unless one would find some form of unsettling comfort in the mistreatment and mishandling of their daughter, wife, sister, niece, cousin, auntie, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, or any female of their inner circle. I don’t believe there’s anything we haven’t heard from feminism that we don’t find in The Wife of Bath. Our female ancestors have fought this same fight and paid this same price for at least a piece of the kind of control MANkind possesses in this life.
2.While it may not be completely obvious as to exactly why or how Chaucer was a feminist through his Canterbury Tales, he had a way of showing his disapproval for the general and widespread anti-feminist mindset of the times, especially through The Wife of Baths prologue and tale, without shoving it in the faces of the people he was trying to prove wrong. Through this method of not making it completely obvious that he was a full-fledged feminist, he allowed for his average male readers to not be turned away from his stories and, instead, feel comfortable with their preconceived notions and allow themselves to take in everything the stories were about to say.
The Wife of Bath is a headstrong bold woman of her time. She shows off her Sunday clothes with evident pride, wearing ten pounds of cloth, woven by herself under her hat. Her clothing symbolizes to the reader that she is not timid or shy and also shows off her expertise as a weaver. the Wife of Bath is a seamstress and professional wife who has been married five times. She is a strong woman who has found that she can use her body. The morals in the Wife’s tale are usually said to be that (1) women desire dominance over men, or, to use the Old English word, women desire “sovereignty” over men and that (2) granting women dominance over men is in the best interest of men. A third moral could possibly be sketched form between the lines of these two major ones that shows that men see women who have the independence of thought and act independently on their opinions as ugly hags who are beneath their notice. Another moral could be that men who exert what some would call their natural dominance over women earn themselves a metaphysical or symbolic beheading and early death.
feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. We live in a world where the genders are far from equal, which serves to harm both men and women alike. … Men won’t lose rights if women gain more; it’ll simply allow them to work with the opposite gender. Being a feminist means that you fight for the equality of all people. It’s important that your feminism is intersectional; it should not exclude people based on their gender, race, . Feminism allows people to look at the world not as it is, but how it could be. I think everything is different from being a woman compared to being a man. Living in a patriarchal society, it is inevitable to be treated differently as a woman. I think that it’s getting better for women but there is still a long way to go. It’s always a little scary to be a woman in this day and time especially with all the women going missing because of sex trafficking. as a woman, people will always look at the way that you look before anything. The first thing will always be how attractive you may or may not be. It’s sad, in my opinion. I think feminism is still relevant today because, as women, we should be seen in the light we see ourselves in and not be defined by how others see our bodies. It should be our choice of how we’re perceived.
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