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Moraine Valley Community College Length Temperature and Mass Lab Report

Question Description

Complete lab and fill out document attched with it.

1 Aluminum pie pan
1 Bottle of distilled water
1 Box of matches or lighter
1 DVD or CD
4 Dime
1 Fork
1 Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol (C3H8O), 91%
1 Key
1 Pair of scissors
1 Pen or pencil
5 Penny
1 Plastic cup
3 Quarter
1 Sheet of white paper
1 Source of ice cubes
1 Source of tap water
1 Spoon
1 White granulated sugar (C12H22O11)
HOL Supplied
1 Aluminum cup, 2 oz
1 Burner fuel
1 Burner stand
1 Digital scale
1 Glass beaker, 100mL
1 Graduated cylinder, 25mL
1 Magnet bar
1 Metal bolt
1 Pair of gloves
1 Pair of safety goggles
1 Rubber bulb
1 Ruler
1 Serological pipet, 2 mL
1 Short stem pipet
1 String, 1 m
1 Thermometer
1 Volumetric flask, 25.00 mL


Part 1: Length Measurements

  1. Gather the metric ruler, CD or DVD, key, spoon, and fork.
  2. Look at the calibration marks on your ruler to determine the degree of uncertainty and number of significant figures that can be made when measuring objects with the ruler.

Note: Record every measurement you make with this ruler to the same decimal place. Remember to do this any time you use this ruler throughout the experiment.

  1. Measure the length of each of the following objects (CD or DVD, Key, Spoon, Fork) with the ruler in centimeters (cm) to the correct level of precision and record in Data Table 1.
  2. Convert the measurements for each of the objects from centimeters to millimeters and record in Data Table 1.
  3. Convert the measurements for each of the objects from millimeters to meters and record in Data Table 1.

Part 2: Temperature Measurements

  1. Gather the 100 mL glass beaker, cup (plastic or drinking), matches or lighter, burner stand, burner fuel, thermometer, 2 oz. aluminum cup, and aluminum pie pan.

Note: The thermometer is shipped in a protective cardboard tube, labeled “thermometer.”

  1. Look at the calibration marks on the thermometer to determine the degree of uncertainty and number of significant figures that can be made when measuring temperature.

Note: Record every measurement you make with this thermometer to the same decimal place. Remember to do this any time you use this measuring device throughout the experiment.

  1. Turn on the tap water to hot. Let the water run as hot as possible for approximately 15 seconds.
  2. Fill the 100 mL glass beaker with approximately 75 mL of hot tap water.
  3. Measure the temperature of the hot tap water with the thermometer in degrees Celsius (°C) to the correct precision of the thermometer. Record the measurement in Data Table 2.

Note: When measuring the temperatures place the thermometer into the water so that the silver bulb is fully submerged, but not touching the sides or bottom of the glass beaker. The measurement is complete when the thermometer remains the same temperature without changing.

  1. Put on safety glasses.
  2. Assemble the burner setup and light the fuel, as shown in Figure 14.
    1. Place an aluminum pie plate on a solid work surface away from flammable objects.
    2. Set the burner stand towards the back of the pie plate.
    3. Place the beaker on the center of the stand.
    4. Uncap the burner fuel and set cap aside. Place the burner fuel on the pie plate just in front of the stand.
    5. Use matches or a lighter to ignite the fuel. BE CAREFUL- the flame may be nearly invisible.
    6. Gently slide the fuel under the stand without disturbing the beaker.
    7. The small, 2 oz. aluminum cup will be placed over the fuel to extinguish the flame. Set the aluminum cup next to the burner setup so you are ready to extinguish the flame at any point.

Note: When the burner is lit, the flame may be barely visible.

A photo of a fuel canister sitting underneath a burner stand. A 250 mL glass beaker 2/3 full of water is setting on the burner stand. All items are placed in an aluminum pie pan. A 2 oz aluminum cup and the cap for the fuel canister are placed nearby on the countertop.
Figure 14.

Burner fuel setup.

  1. Allow the water to heat unit it comes to a full boil. As soon as the water is boiling fully, measure the temperature with the thermometer in degrees Celsius (°C), to the correct level of precision. Record the measurement in Data Table 2.
  2. Allow the water to continue boiling for approximately 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, measure the temperature with the thermometer in degrees Celsius (°C) to to the correct level of precision. Record the measurement in Data Table 2.
  3. Use the small, 2 oz. aluminum cup to extinguish the burner fuel flame. See Figure 15.
    1. Do not touch the metal stand or the beaker; they may be hot.
    2. Carefully slide the burner fuel canister out from underneath the burner stand. The sides of the burner fuel canister will be warm, but not hot.
    3. Place the aluminum cup directly over the flame to smother it. The cup should rest on top of the fuel canister, with little or no smoke escaping. Do not disturb the burner stand and beaker; allow everything to cool completely.
    4. Once all equipment is completely cool, remove the aluminum cup and place the plastic cap back on the fuel. Ensure that the plastic cap “snaps” into place to prevent fuel leakage and evaporation. The aluminum cup, fuel, and all other materials may be used in future experiments.

A photo of a fuel canister covered with a 2 oz aluminum cup. The fuel canister is sitting in an aluminum pie pan.
Figure 15.

Using the aluminum cup to extinguish the flame.

  1. Allow the 100 mL beaker to cool before touching it.
  2. Turn on the tap water to cold. Let the water run as cold as possible for approximately 15 seconds..
  3. Fill the cup (plastic or drinking) approximately half-full with cold tap water.
  4. Measure the temperature of the cold tap water with the thermometer in degrees Celsius (°C) to the correct level of precision. Record the measurement in Data Table 2.
  5. Add a handful of ice cubes to the cup of cold tap water and allow them to sit in the cold water for approximately 1 minute.
  6. After 1 minute stir the ice water with the thermometer.
  7. Measure the temperature of the ice water after 1 minute with the thermometer in degrees Celsius (°C) to the correct level of precision. Record the measurement in Data Table 2.
  8. Allow the ice to remain in the water for an additional 4 minutes.
  9. After the additional 4 minutes stir the ice water with the thermometer.
  10. Measure the temperature of the ice water after 4 minutes with the thermometer in degrees Celsius (°C) to the correct level of precision. Record the measurement in Data Table 2.
  11. Convert the temperature measurements for each of the 6 water samples from °C to °F and K. Record the converted temperatures in Data Table 2.

Part 3: Mass Measurements

  1. Gather the pen or pencil, 5 pennies, 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and the key.
  2. Read the instructions on how to use the digital scale. The lid of the scale must be opened to expose its weighing surface and make mass measurements.

Note: There may be a cardboard protector between the scale base and top. If so, remove the cardboard from the scale.

  1. Turn the scale on by pressing the ?/T button.
  2. Make sure the scale is reading in grams by looking for the letter “g” in the upper right corner of the scale, if the “g” is not showing then press the “M” button until the scale is reading in grams.
  3. Review the different object(s) listed in Data Table 3.
  4. Estimate the masses for each of the object(s) in grams and record in Data Table 3. To help you with this process, a penny has a mass of approximately 2.5 grams.
  5. Tare the scale by pressing the ?/T button so that the scale reads 0.0 g.
  6. Place the pen or pencil on the scale to measure the mass of the object. Record the mass in Data Table 3 under “Actual Mass (g).”
  7. Repeat steps 33 and 34 for the remaining object(s) in Data Table 3.
  8. For each object(s), convert the actual mass (in grams) to kilograms (kg). Record in Data Table 3.

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